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Freddy POV

"Foxy I'm fine ok?"
"A-are ye sure?"
"Yea I'm fine" Foxy was right in front of me making sure I'm ok. He's so sweet...
"Normally Freddy is the one asking if your ok Foxy"
"A-aye just want cap'n to be safe"
"And I am safe Foxy" I kissed Foxy's forehead and he smiles while blushing. "Hehe"

Time skip to the morning

Morning shower is now done... Great! I heard the water running. Foxy may be taking one too... Alright... Now... What to do today? I wonder if Foxy wants to do anything... But who knows... Maybe I can ask him when he gets out. But for now Imma go make some breakfast for everyone... If Chica hasn't done it yet... I wouldn't be surprised.

I walked over to the kitchen to see no chicken in which is weird but ok. I started to get the stuff out for pancakes. Everyone loves pancakes... Not Goldie tho... Goldie has no fucking heart.

(Goldie is Goldie nothing more)

Well... Goldie doesn't like many things... He's always been like that. It's annoying at times but... Whatever.. At least he isn't an annoying brother. If he was annoying I would have died a long time ago.

(People with annoying siblings:
Wait that's me too-)

Being the oldest can suck... But Goldie acts Goldie at times... Come to think of it... Goldie has always acted older then me! But he's not... He just the youngest because well our parents just had us. I think... Wait... Who even are our parents?...


No One POV

Freddy then continues to question his life choices.

The others have no idea what he is thinking and they are deeply concerned about his well-being.

Foxy POV

"... Do I even have parents?" What?
"I don't think I have seen my parents... So now I'm thinking... Do I have parents?... Like... Do I?"
"Aye don't know cap'n"

Why is he asking me this?

Is cap'n ok?

Is cap'n not a twin or something?


No One POV

Now everyone is concerned about Freddy's and Foxy's well-being.

End of chapter

I don't know how to feel about this chapter but okay whatever it's out

Me: *cries in middle child*

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