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Foxy POV

Why is he always teasing me!? I was just blushing while sitting on the floor. Why is he always like this? Making me blush. Like why!? Why can't I make him blush! Wait... Maybe I can... But how? MmM...

"Hey Foxy"

"? Oh cap'n... Aye?"

"Well..." Freddy sat down besides me. "Love you~" I blushed a bit.

"That it?"

"Yep! Hehe" god damn you... Well maybe now I can try to make him blush... Let's see if this works.
I got up and sat down in Freddy's lap looking at him. I saw a small blush on Freddy's face so I smiled and cuddles his chest.

"Soft.." I kept cuddling him with my tail wagging.

"Hehe you're soft too" I felt Freddy wrap his arms around me to hug me.

Freddy POV

I saw that Foxy's tail was wagging so I smiled. He's so happy and I'm glad that he's happy.

"So Foxy... What you wanna do?"


"Hehe alright" I kept Foxy close and kisses his head. I heard Foxy giggle so I laughed a bit. "You're a cutie" Foxy blushed. He was gonna say something but I kissed him.

"Mee!" Hehe that was Foxy. I smirk into the kiss and pulled away to see him blushing. "Stop it cap'n!"

"Nah~ I like making you blush"


"Yes~" Foxy was just blushing so I smiled. I got up and carry Foxy as well.

"! C-cap'n? What are ye going?"

"Nothing~ I just wanna carry you" I smiled and kept Foxy close to me.

Chica POV

O M G ! Freddy is carrying Foxy! Isn't that just the cutest thing!

"Chica... Stop being a creep"

"What's it to you Bon? You know they are my OTP!"

"Still... It can be kinda creepy tho... Like I understand you like seeing them together but... Don't be a creep Chica... And you know what I mean by that"

"Yes yes I know Bon don't worry! I know when to stop, you know. Besides they know I'm like this always" Bon glared at me. "Ok ok... I know I may a creep at times but trust me Bon I haven't done anything bad"

"Alright Chica I trust you... But the moment you do something bad or creepy... No cuddles for a month"

"Bon you can't do that to meee"

"But I just did"

That's just so mean! How can he do this to me?? Wait... He said if I'm being a creep then no cuddles... Which means I'm good! For right now... Welp. I walked over to Bonnie and hugged him.

(If Bonnie was soft boy Chica would be 100% top... IDK why I said this-)

Also Bon not soft boy he may look like it but he not

End of chapter

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