~( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)~

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Hey there lot time no see or read... Whatever


Freddy POV



"Ye going to hard!"

"Well yea... I'm not gonna ho easy on you... And because we're playing Super Smash Bros"

"But aye wanna winnnn"
"Like I said... Im not going easy on you"
"Please????" I looked over at Foxy to see him begging.
"Ah fine... I'll play a character I never played before"
"Yay!" Foxy hugged me and he licks my cheek. I smiled a bit.
"I'm only doing this for you Foxy"
"Aye know!"
"You're lucky you're so damn cute"
"Hehe!" I smiled and we continued to play Super Smash...
"So... You remember when I was um... Playing right?"
"When ye didn't let me winn"
"Yea that... You said I was 'going to hard'"
"Aye? So what?" I smirked a bit and Foxy looked like he waa thinking.
"! C-cap'n!!" He was blushing. "N-no!"
"Aw~ why not?" I put my paws on Foxy's cheek making him blush more.
"B-because! Aye need to shower!"
"We can have fun in the shower~"
"Cap'n ye pervert!"
"Hehe I know~" Foxy was blushing a lot... Tho he does need to shower... And so do I... Maybe I'll let it slip this time. "Hehe fine you can take a shower and I promise I won't do anything"
"... Promise?"
"Yep! I promise Foxy" I kissed Foxy's cheek and he blushes.
"O-ok" he got up and got this stuff then walked into the shower.

I was laying down in bed waiting for Foxy to get out of the shower so I can take one after... I wonder is Foxy a bottom? I mean he does look like it... Anyways if he was a top I bet he wouldn't be able to top me. Hehe

"Cap'n ye can go in now..."
"Alright" I got my towel and walked into the bathroom. I saw that Foxy was already dressed. Guessing he wants to stay in the room for the rest of the night. That's fine.

I got into the shower.

Foxy POV

Why the heck was he just wearing boxers??? Ahhhh I was blushing a lot.

How big is his-

NO! Don't think Foxy! Don't think that... Ahhhhhhhhhhh
Should I ask?


(Stop it get some help)

I was just blushing... Ugh... I laid down in bed and hugged the bear plushie I have of cap'n...

I have this whenever he's somewhere else and I wanna hug him... My only question is... Would cap'n rape me?... No he said he wouldn't... But I don't know... He is a pervert but the most he has done was play with my tail and said dirty things... Nothing more.

Im just not ready yet...

End of chapter
Im alive but im died

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