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Fade POV

Great... Cops... Just my luck... I haven't killed anyone! Yet but maybe one of these bitches well be the first! Ugh... I sighed then I saw Felix was behind me.
"It's ok Felix... I'm here with you"
"O-ok cap'n" because theses day... Calling the cops for stupid reasons... I swear if it's a Karen Imma kill them.

(IDK anymore RN)

I soon saw the police car pull up to us and the group of people. Felix was still behind me.
"What did you do now Fade?"
"Huh?" I turn to see Grey. "Grey? I did nothing! People theses day just need to mind their own business"
"Oh I know that... And I'm just here to watch the show"
"Wow... You're such a 'great' brother Grey"
"Yea I know... I know I'm the worst" UUGGHH...

Then I saw a lady walked up to us with a cop with her.
"He was the one who threatened those boys"

"Well excuse me those boys pulled Felix into the fountain... Of course I'm not gonna be nice to them... It's not like I hurt them... I didn't even touch them at all"

"So! It's still wrong to threatened someone!"
Something tells me... I'm gonna be here for a while.

"I'm just here to protect my" what do I say boyfriend? Friend? WHAT THR FUCK DO I SAY!

"He's here to protect his boyfriend cuz he's an overprotective asshoe" Grey Imma kill you!!!
"U-um... Yea I'm here to protect my boyfriend... Don't want him getting hurt" I noticed Felix blushing.

"That's so wrong"


(Let me just)

"Being gay... It's wrong"

Grey POV

Welp... Fade is gonna lose it... Should I stop it???

Nah... Maybe if it gets too far.

More Fade POV

"Well... Excuse me the world isn't the way you want to be it... We can be whoever you want... So what if I'm gay? It's not hurting anyone else now is it?"

"It hurts people like me!"

"So? I don't care... As long as I'm happy I'm good... But it's people like you who make me... Mad... Telling us we can't be who we want to be"

"Then you're going yo hell"

"I already knew that... I'm already messed up so... What's another one gonna do to me?"

The cop spoke up.
"Sir... If you feel like that shouldn't you be talking to a therapist or getting help?"
"Nah... That's why I have my friends and brother... And my boyfriend... I already have the help I need" I pat Felix's head and his tail wags a bit.

"Still going to hell"
"Maybe you sre going too... I'll drag you down with me if I have t-"

Felix POV

"And that's enough of that..." Grey knocked out Fade... In one hit... How strong is Grey???
"I-is cap'n o-ok?"
"He well be fine Felix... He just got a bit carried away... Anyways... Officer is there anything else..." I can tell Grey wants to leave.

"There was one last thing... This lady also said that this fox was being held prisoner?"

"That's wrong... As we said the fox is dating this bear here... We live with 3 other friends of our... 2 bunnies and a chicken... And well the 3 of us too"

"Ok... Well I think that's gonna be it... You 2... 3? Have a nice day"
"Yoh too..." Grey picked up Fade. "Let's go Felix"

I followed Grey back home... Grey is kinda scary now to be honest... I can see why Fade is sometimes scared of him... I hope cap'n is ok

Fade POV

All I see are stars and plants... Hahaha...

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