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Freddy POV

I got out of the shower and started to dry myself. And after that I got dressed then I looked at my phone to see someone calling me.


"Freddy Fazbear correct?"

"Yes that's me" What happen... Normally no one calls me by my last name... I don't really like it.

"Hi I'm Doctor Aaron and I just wanted to tell you Foxy just woke up today... But he's very scared."

"I'm on my way!" With that I hang up and finished getting dressed then walked outside to the car. And with that I started to go to the hospital where Foxy is at. He's awake now but scared.
After some time I walked in and walked over to the counter.

"I'm here to see Foxy (some cool last name)"

"Ah yes I was told you were gonna be here so go on"

"Thanks" with that I got the bag I brought and walked to the room and open the door. "Foxy?"


I walked over to Foxy and kisses his cheek. He only smiles with his tail wagging.
"I'm glad you're ok hun also I have something for you too" I opened the bag and it was just some pancakes I made for Foxy. "Breakfast"

"Thanks!" Foxy's tail was wagging while he ate so I was smiling and sat down by Foxy.

"What happen?"

"I... I woke up and was very scared... I didn't see you... But when I saw the time it was midnight"

"Ah I see... But hey I'm here now hun" Foxy smiles and finished eating the pancakes I made for him.

Foxy POV

I love these pancakes! They are so good! I looked up at Freddy to see him looking out the window. I hugged his arm and he only smiles.

"So... What do you wanna do when you get out of here hun?"

"I don't know... Anything as long as it's with you!"

"Heh" with that Freddy smirked a bit. "Anything you say?~" I was thinking for a bit then I blushed.

"Ye fucking perv Cap'n! If ye do any of that aye will fucking bite your balls!"

"Damn... And that will hurt more then getting kicked in them..." I was blushing then looked away from him still blushing a lot. But I wouldn't bite his balls... I think.

Time skip because ideas are ✨gone✨

Still Foxy POV

Great! I was able to leave the hospital now... But now I have a reason to wear my eye patch... Now that there is no eye there now but whatever. Freddy said he's out here waiting for me so I looked around and saw Freddy over by a ran do I ran over.


"Hey hun... You ready to go home now?"

"Yea!" We both got Into the car and Freddy started to drive. I'm so happy to go home! I get to see all my friends now! And I do miss seeing them... I was in the hospital for about 2 months so I wonder what changed... Maybe not much.

"So... Any news cap'n?"

"Mm... Not really but there is something that Chica has been dying to tell you for about... A month now"

"Oo! Do ye know?"

"Yep but she wants to tell you when we get there ok?"

"Ok!" What would Chica like to tell me... Maybe she found a new baking recipe and wants to try it! Maybe that's it... But what else can it be? Mmmm I don't know. I mean... Mmmmm

After some time we made it to the house and it looks the same... Why did I think it would be different?

"Come on" I nod and followed Freddy inside. I take ONE step in and I hear my name get yelled.

"Foxy! I got some news for you!" I looked over to see Chica she was smiling and jumping a bit.

"Hi! What's the news Chica?"

"Okokok well... You know Bon and I are dating right?"


(I don't know if I even said in the story that they are... But ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)

"Well... We're having kids soon"

"OMG! I'mma be an uncle! Wait... HE PUT HIS HANDS ON YOU"

"Yep.. You had the same reaction as Goldie" Chica only laughs a bit.
Ok! I mean it's great they are having kids but also... Chica is the only girl who lives here... So we are a bit over protective over her because she's our best friend and everything. I was gonna say something but Freddy cut me off.

"Oh right and don't worry Chica... Your guys kids isn't gonna be the only one" wait... I blushed and looked at Freddy.


"No I don't mean that hun... We can also adopt as well you know" Freddy said with a wink at the end of it. I only blush and smile.


The End

This is the end of Frexy I may MAY make one about them with a kid but I'm not sure right now maybe soon when I get ideas for it
But if you guys want you can leave ideas here just in case

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