~Birthday 1/2~

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Freddy POV

"Ok remember guys it's pirate theme ok? So with that... Foxy you're gonna be the leader for the birthday"

"! R-really?... Are ye sure Cap'n?"

"Yes the party is all pirate stuff... And that's your specialty" Foxy seemed happy yet scared. "Hey no need to worry I'll be here just in case you need anything! I'll always be here for you hun"

"A-aye know... Aye just scared" I walked over to Foxy and pat his head.

"You'll do fine hun I just know it" Foxy smiles so I smile back. "Now let's finish setting up ok? The party should be here in about an hour and we still have a few things to do"


(I don't know if I explain this at all at some point BUT Freddy does own a pizzeria and the pizzeria is only open when someone rents it out for a party and that gang are the crew members but not Goldie cuz he hates everyone and everything)

It's been a while since we last hosted a party. With the pizzeria only being open for parties not many people know about us. So we always like it when the people we host parties for tell others. Like... Even tho I'm a Fazbear I still wanna make money my own way... And not get it from my dad... Then again I haven't told the others my last name... And I don't know when to tell them... Ugh.

"It seems like... Fire"

Not again!


"I'M SORRY! I'M SORRY I WAS HELPING BON!" CHICA yelled as she ran back into the kitchen... I swear she's gonna be the reason why this place burns down.

(You jinxed your self Freddy smh)

Foxy POV

What outfit should I wear? My normal pirate one... Or this somewhat fancy one Cap'n got for me. Will the inscriptions, do say traditional pirate theme. So I'll go with my normal one then! I'm so excited yet... Very very scared... If it goes back then... What's gonna happen to this place.

"Hun you ok?" Freddy walked into the cove. "You seen a bit distracted"

"Aye just scared cap'n!" I was shaking a bit then I felt Freddy's hands on my cheeks. So I looked at him blushing.

"You'll do just fine hun... Besides if you get too scared you can always call me over ok? And I'll help calm you down" Freddy kissed me so I blush more but kiss back with my tail wagging. "Alright?"


"Ok... It's about time so I have to get the guest in ok? And just remember... I'll say 'Here is the one and only Foxy the pirate' and that means you'll come out... And be in charge" I nod my head. Freddy kisses my cheek then he walks out of the cove and closes the curtains. God... I'm scared.

No One POV

"Welcome all to the Party Pizzeria! I hope you enjoy your stay here and have a wonderful time here!" Freddy said into the microphone and Bonnie and Chica start to take the drinks and pizza out. After Freddy was done with that he just walked around making sure everyone was having a fun time.

All 4 are in the main area while Goldie was in the back just looking at the cameras making sure everything is all good.

"Everything seems to be going well... That's good at least of us... But it's always a good idea to be checking up on these" Goldie said as he kept looking through the cameras. He pick up a walkie talkie and pushes a button. "Everything is all clear Freddy" there was a beat

"Ok thanks Goldie" then another beat when Freddy was done talking.

Freddy got back on the microphone.

"Ok kids! The time you were all waiting for! Please turn your heads over to Pirates Cove and get ready for the one and only Foxy the pirate!" With that the kids started to yell Foxy's name and Freddy also join in with the kids. That was just enough for him. The curtains open.

"Ahoy there kids! Now... Let's get rid of this Land lover aye?"

"Ok ok remember kids be careful on that cove of his"

"Aye! This kids are now pirates now! And aye be their cap'n!" Freddy smiles and leaves the kids to Foxy as Foxy started to tell stories.

Goldie was still looking through the cameras.

"Ok... Everyone seems to be in place. The parents in the main dining area. The kids over with Foxy. Freddy, Bonnie, and Chica all walking around the main and the cove. Ok then... Wait?" Goldie looked closer to the camera... "Who the hell is that?... They are with no body... And... Shit I can't see their face because of that mask... Wait shit" Goldie picked up the walkie talkie. "Freddy! Code red in the break room!" After the beat when off all the lights went out. And there were some screams after the lights turn off.

End of chapter

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