~Just Yours~

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Fade POV

I noticed that Felix fell asleep. I smiled and laid Felix down in bed and I laid down by him.
"Heh... He's mine" I hugged Felix and fell asleep.

Time skip to morning

My ear twitch and I slowly started to wake up. I yawned and looked down to see Felix still asleep... He was that tried?... Meh alright... Question is... Should I move?... Yea I want coffee.

I slowly moved Felix off of me and I got up. Alright then... I got dressed then walked out of the room.

I walked to thr kitchen and started to make my coffee.

"Hey Fade!"
"! Geez... Cali don't scare me like that!"

"Nahh rather scared you... You know?"
"I guess? Also how come you're up this early? Normally you're still asleep at this time Cali"

"Kinda creepy you know that... But! I wanted to make everyone breakfast! Wanna help?" I was drinking some of my coffee.

"Sure I'll help"

Cali got out all the stuff... Guessing we're making pancakes ok then.

"Just pancakes?"
"I mean... We can do bacon too Cali... Thing is I don't know if you guys eat meat..."
"Oh... Well at times we do... I guess... I don't eat chicken at all"
"Yea I know... Because you're a chicken"

(When you dropped your phone and it hits your head S A D)

Felix POV

Ear twitch and I yawned... Mmm... Where's cap'n?

(Ok so whenever they wake up one of their ear twitches a bit)

I slowly got up and rubbed my eye... Where is he? I got off the bed...

I saw I was in my clothes from yesterday... I need to change. I got changed then walked outside. I looked around then closes the door. I smell... Pancakes? I walk over to the kitchen to see both cap'n and Cali cooking.

"? Oh hey babe! Good morning"
"A-ahoy cap'n"

"Hold up... 'Babe'?! You 2 are dating now?"
"Oh that's what I forgot to tell you... But yea me and Felix are dating now"

"My ship has sailed... Nice"
I walked over to Cap'n and hugged him.
"Hehe... I would hug back but I'm a bit busy... How about you go get the others Felix? We're almost don't making the food"
"Ok cap'n!"

I walked away and started to get everyone to come because breakfast is ready... Almost ready.

I sat down in my chair... Everyone was sitting and waiting.

Soon after Cali and cap'n walked out and started to give everyone their room.

After that cap'n sat down besides me.
"A-ahoy cap'n"
"Hehe" he started to eat and so did I.

"So how is everyone?" Cap'n asked.

"I'm pretty sure Celeste is still scared of you Fade"
"... I'm not scared of him Fawkes... Just don't want to piss him off"
"Whatever you say Celeste"

Right... I forgot cap'n and Celeste are not really getting along right now... Oh boy...

"But besides all that Fade us toys are doing pretty good"
"That's good" I was still eating my room. "Say... How are you Grey?"

"... Same old same old Fade... Don't really know how I'm doing I guess"
"You have always been like this Grey.."
"... And nothing is gonna change it"

Fade POV

Are you sure about that?
"How about that boy you used to talk a lot about?? Eh? What was his name?... Seth?" Grey blushed a bit.

"Shut the fuck up..."
"You're blushinggg"

"I hate you" ouch... Ok then... My twin hates me got it... I looked at Felix and kissed his cheek. He looks at me blushing.
"What? Can't kiss my boyfriend's cheek?~"

"Y-ye got caught m-me off g-guard"

"And you should probably get used to it because I'm going to do it a lot" Felix blushes more.

"But I'm your jerk~" Felix blushes more. "Hehe"

End of chapter

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