~Can this be good or bad?~

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Fade POV

I was drinking some coffee... Like every morning but whatever. Then I noticed Felix walk in I smirked a bit. He yawns the looks over at me... Still tried.
"Morning cap'n..."
"Morning... You want some coffee?"
"No aye good... Aye want cereallll"

He walked over to the counter to get a bowl then he tried to reach the cereal. I purposely put it up high... So I can help him hehe.
"Cap'nnn aye can't reach the cerealll"
"I'll get it" I got the cereal and gave it to Felix. He smiles then pours himself the cereal then he pours himself the milk.

(Don't you dare give me hate comments about how he makes his cereal!!)

I don't understand why people get mad about how people pour their cereal? Like bruh it's all going in the same place anyway!


I sat down on the table drinking coffee still and also eating a cRoIsSaNt... It's good... Felix soon sat down besides me and started to eat his cereal. I smiled I was gonna say something then I heard Cali.

". . . It's cereal Cali lass"
"Oh! Ookk... You know what... I want cereal noww" Cali walked into the kitchen and made herself some cereal. I was done drinking my coffee then I looked around but I looked at Felix. His tail was wagging so I chuckled a bit. He looks at me with a confused face.
"You got milk on your cheek"
"A-aye do?"
"Let me help you with that"
"Su-" I licked his cheek before he could finished and he blushes a lot. "U-um... C-cap'n?"
"Yes?~" he blushes more.
"N-nothing" he continues to eat and I smirked more.

"It's confirmed Felix is going to be raped by Fade" Cali said as he sat down. Felix blushed more.
"W-what!?! N-n-no!" I would say 'hell yes' but I don't want Felix to hate me.
"Cali... Shut up and eat your damn cereal"
"I'll eat it when I want!" Cali stayed quiet for like a literally one second and then she started eating.

Felix POV

The cap'n rape me??? N-no Aye just sleep in the same bed at him... T-that doesn't mean anything!!! H-he could be straight!

"Felix?" I turned to Fade.
"You alright?" I nodded "... If you say so"

After a while I finish the cereal and out the bowl in the sick and washed it cuz Cali would kill me if I didn't.

(My parents too)

I walked back to the room but stop cuz I saw Mia my twin sister... She was crying so I walked over to her.
"Mia?... Ye ok?" She looks up at me tears running down her face.
"I-I... S-something t-took Celeste! I-I tried t-to get h-her back! B-but they d-disappeared!" As much as I don't like Celeste... I'll still help... Mia is happy with her for some unknown reason.
"It's ok... Let's tell cap'n about this and maybe he can help"
"O-ok" I helped her up and we walked over to cap'n who was talking to Grey right now... Grey looked concerned.
"C-cap'n?" Fade turned.
"Mia say that Celeste is missing"

"See! I told you Fade! Benign said he same a shadow like figure around the toys!"
"... Mia are any of the other toys missing?" Fade asked.
"N-no... Not t-that I k-know of... B-bapp was w-with F-fawkes a few m-minutes ago" Fade took a deep breath.
"FAWKES!!" He yelled making me jump a bit.
"Wwhhaatt" Fawkes came over with Bapp.
"Celeste is missing"
"Well fuck shit... Ugh... Did she run off again?"
"I-I don't k-know" I looked back at Fade to see Grey kinda annoyed? Grey slams his paw on the wall making everyone turn to him.

"It was a shadow who took her... Benign said he saw a shadow that looked like her"
"But the only other shadows here are Shade and Blake" Fawkes said.
"I know... We can ask them if they know anything"

"M-maybe this i-is why C-celeste is m-mean" Mia said... I don't know... But who knows...

Fade POV

If that bitch is gone... Meaning no one is here to be mean to my fox! I laughed a bit... Yet again Mia is gonna be sad... And Felix is sad when Mia is sad... Mmm...

Is this a good thing that she's gone... Or is it a bad thing?...

End of chapter

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