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Fade POV

"We can ask Shade and Blake about this Fade"
"... I guess you're right Grey... But we don't know if they are busy"
"Well... We can always call them anyways"
"Yeaa... I'll call them right now Grey"

I walked out of the room and called Shade... Normally we don't call him because he shows up at random at times.
"Hello Fade"
"Hey Shade... Um... Sorry to ask but we need your help over here"
"We think there is a shadow here... That took Celeste..."
"Don't you hate her?"
"Oh trust me I do... But Mia is sad and I know Felix is gonna be sad if she's sad"
"Mm... Alrighty I'll be there in a bit"
"Alright" I hung up and sighed... Then I looked to see Felix. "Felix?"
"Ahoy cap'n... Who were ye talking to?"
"Shade... He's gonna come here to help"

(Ok so Fade and Grey are twins brothers. Fade is older and Shade is their cousin
Oh right and Fawkes is Fade's and Grey's younger brother)

Time skip

"Hey what's up bitches shadow bear and shadow bunny is here"
"The only bitch I see here is you Shade"
"How dare you Fade" I shrugged. "Now... What type of shadow did you think you guys saw"
"Benign said he saw the shadow"

"They... They looked like Celeste"
"Then... It must be her shadow form"
"Shadow C-Celeste???" Mia ask/said.
"Maybe that's her name??? Look at me... My name isn't Shadow Fade ew... As well as Blake his name isn't Shadow Benign"

"Oh ok"

It it normal to be happy that someone is missing? I don't know... I felt someone pull my shirt so I turn to see Felix.
"Ye ok cap'n?"
"... I guess..."

Felix POV

Something is up with cap'n...

"Welp... Let's start looking around... In groups of course" next thing I knew it was only Fade and I. I looked up at Fade... He was smiling in a creepy way...
"Let's go look around~"
"Ok..." Fade started to walk and I followed him. He was still smiling... I'm a bit scared.

Fade POV

Should I even be happy that she's gone? I don't even know... Haha... I looked over at Felix and stopped walking.
"Something on your mind?"
"Ye are smiling a lot... Why?"
"Oh... I don't know why... I know messed up isn't? Someone is missing and here I am smiling... Hehe~" I think I'm scaring him... "But... I know we have to find her... So... Let's keep looking"

"Ok Cap'n"

As long as I don't scare Felix I'm fine... But still... I know I may end up scaring him at one point... Ugh...

End of chapter

Holy shit it's early for once 😂

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