~Hands Off~

708 21 15

Work has be die-
But take this animation of Felix's and Mia's backstory

Fade POV

What to do?... Mmm... I laid my head down on my desk thinking. What can I do? I can ask Felix if he wants to walk around the town with me... Come to think of it... Where is Felix? I haven't seen him yet today... He may be with Cali. I sighed then got up from my desk and opened my door.
"Felix???" I walked around calling Felix. "Where can he be?"

"Aye Cap'n?" I turn to see Felix behind me.
"There you are!"
"Yea... I wanted to ask you if you wanted to walk around town with me for a bit"
"Sure! Let me just get ready cap'n!"
"Ok... I'll be in the kitchen ok?"
"Ayee" Felix ran off. I smiled. He's so weird and cute... I love him for that... I love everything about him... But... I do hate that he's hiding something...

Whenever I raise my voice he shakes and whimpers... Even tho I'm not mad at him... Mmm...

I'll get to know why soon... It just need some time

Let time skip into da city cuz I'm lazy rn

Also Felix POV

I was eating an ice cream Fade got me as we were walking around.
"So... Felix got any plans?" I shake my head no. "Ok... So just wanna walk around for a bit?" I nod. "Ok... But first" I felt Fade put his arm around me. "Hehe you're short so I can barely do this"
"Aye not shortt"
"Yes you are~"
"N-no" I blushed then Fade put his paw on my head.
"Yes you are" he started to rub my ear and my tail wags a bit. I smiled then looked around. "Stay here Felix I'll be right back I have to buy something really quick ok?"
"Ok cap'n... Aye well just sit by the fountain"
"Ok" I walked away... Hopefully no one tries to get Felix...

(Are you sure about that)

Felix POV

I sat down by the fountain eating my ice cream. I wonder what cap'n is gonna buy... MmmmmMmmm who knows.

(Time for some drama cuz yes)

"Would you look at that... A short fox all by himself"
"?" I looked up to see 2 wolves... Great... Why do I always get picked on? I know I'm short for a fox... "What do you want?"

"Geez... That's no way to talk to a wolf now is it?" I talk to a bear like that sooo... But cap'n and Grey are nice... What do I do? "Now... We're in a good mood... All we want is that ice cream of yours"

"No... Go buy it yourself... Someone gave this to me" cap'n... Where are ye?
"So? We don't care" they walked over to me and mt ears lower. "Give it to us or you're gonna get wet"

"... I said no..."
"Fine then..."

They pushed me into the fountain... Causing people looking over at all... I swear... People watch... And never help...

They are just there watching... The wolves were laughing...

Then I heard a familiar growl.
"?" I looked up to see Fade walking over with a bag.

"I leave for one min... And people are already being ass hoes..." Fade helps me out.
"You wanna go bear!"
"Touch me or Felix again and I'll cut you into pieces"

They immediately backed off... From some people we heard a gasp and I heard some whimpers like 'OMG did he just threatened them?'... 'Is he holding that fox hostage?'... Why are people so mean...
"Felix? You ok?"
"Aye... Aye don't know..."
"Hey it's ok" Fade put his jacket around me. "Let's just get some and change you before you get sick ok?"
"Ok cap'n"

But... Before we can leave we heard police sirens.
"Well shit..." Fade said as he pulled me closer to him. "Looks like we have to take care of this first"

End of chapter

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