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Freddy POV

So Goldie doesn't even trust his own brother?! That's fine... I'm fine.

"Cap'n you ok"

"I'm fine... Just stocked Goldie trusts Chica more then me... But it's fine at least he has someone to talk to" I sighed.

"It's ok! Ye have me!" I looked at Foxy to see his tailed wagging so I just smiled.

"Yea I do have you and you'll always be here right?"


I just smiled and patted Foxy's head. I'm so happy I have a lover like him. He means everything to me and I'll do anything to keep him with me. Anything no matter the cost.

Foxy POV

My tail was wagging because I love head pats. They are the best!

"What ye wanna do today cap'n?"

"Um... I don't know... What you wanna do?"

"Aye... Aye don't know..." What do I wanna do today? Cap'n doesn't know what to do... Mm what can we do? I don't know... "Aye... Aye just don't know cap'n"

"Well..." Freddy pulled me into a hug and I blushed. "We can cuddle to... Darling~"
I blushed dark red. God damn you Freddy!

"O-ok" I hugged back blushing. Why does he always make me blush so much?? I heard Freddy chuckle a bit. "Ye always make me blush..."

"Hehe it's kinda what I do" I felt Freddy put his paw under my chin and he lifts my head up. "I enjoy seeing you blush... Darling~" I blushed more.

"Stop it!" I push Freddy's face from mine and was just blushing.

"Aw~ yiu don't like it?"


Freddy POV

I just love teasing Foxy like this... He's just so cute. Foxy was blushing so I just smiled.

"Hehe" I walked over to Foxy and kisses his cheek I felt his face heat up so then I looked at him. "Love you~" he was blushing.

"L-love ye too cap'n"


I can tell he's a bit embarrassed which is kinda nice. At least I know what he thinks of some things I say. I wonder how would be act if I said something else to him.

"Hey Foxy"


"You have a nice looking ass"

"Cap'n you fucking perv!" He was blushing more now. And he also talked normal too.

"I'm only your perv tho~"

"Stop it!! You're making me blush a lot# more then I should!"

"Like I said before Foxy... It's what I do"

I pulled Foxy close and kisses him.

End of chapter

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