~Mall Part 2~

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Foxy POV

"So... What now?"
"Let's go get broke at Hot Topic"


We walked over to Hot Topic. I was still looking around the mall... I wonder if there are new stores open here... Maybe? Maybe I'll ask Mangle when I can just right now... She's looking at the anime stuff... And so am I.

I looked over and say a guy walking over to Mangle... Fuck
"Hey here white fox~"
"Bitch back off I'm gay and I won't hesitate to cut off that motherfucking dick of yours" Ok... No need to protect Mangle.
"Geez" he clears his throat... Oh please don't tell me... "Hey there red fox~"
"Um... I'm taken..."
"I'm sure they would mind"
"Um... He would"

"... Come on Foxy let's go home now" Mangle grad my arm and walked out of the store. So I followed her. "Damn perverts trying to be all 'hot' and shit"
"Cap'n is a pervert..."
"Yea but he isn't going around trying to date other people he's with you"
"Aye know that"

I looked behind me to see the guy following us...
"Yea I see him too... He'll just stop and if we're near the house and he's still following us just text Freddy"

Freddy POV

And now the cards are gone.
"MY POKÉMON GO FISH CARDSSS" and now Bonnie is crying.
"They are just cards"
"'Just cards' bish what!?"

I shouldn't have said that...
"I'll buy you new ones Bonnie"
"Ok!!" I smiled a bit... I wonder when Foxy and Mangle are going to come back... Maybe in a few minutes or so?

Mangle POV

"Text. Him. Now."

Freddy's phone


What's up? You guys on your way home now?

Yea.. But um... There is this guy following us...

Someone is following you guys?

Yea... He was trying to hit on us at the mall and now he's following us

Ok ok... Where are you guys right now?

We're at the store near the house right now

Ok I'm on my way and I'm going to bring Goldie too so he can just teleport us back ok?

Ok cap'n

Foxy POV

"He's on his say... And Goldie is coming too"

Freddy POV

They tried to hit on Foxy?... And now they are following him?... Oh hell no.
"Goldie come with me!"
"Ugh... Fine..." Goldie walked over and we made our way to the store. "What is it now?"
"Foxy said some guy was following him and Mangle"
"Yea I know" I looked around and saw Foxy drinking some water. Then I noticed a guy looking at them... I know what to do. I walked behind Foxy and warped my arms around his waist and pulled him close to me.
"Hey babe~" Foxy blushes.
"That's gay"
"S-shut up Mangle!"
"Hehe you're too cute Foxy" Foxy kept on blushing so I just smiled and kissed his cheek. "Anyways... Goldie is gonna take you 2 home... I have something that I need to do"
"... How long are ye gonna be gone for?..."
"20 to 30 mins ok?"
"Ok Cap'n..." I kissed Foxy's cheek again and Goldie soon teleports with both of them... So...

I looked over at the guy.
"It's not your lucky day..."

End of chapter

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