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Freddy POV

I was smirking at Foxy while kissing him. He was blushing a lot.

"Hehe cutie~" I put my paws on Foxy's cheek and he was blushing.

"N-no" he was blushing a lot.

"You are a cutie Foxy" Foxy was just blushing not saying anything. So maybe... We can have some fun.

Wait what the hell am I thinking? Is Foxy even ready for that?


"Yea Foxy?" I looked at Foxy.

"... L-love ye"

"Aw I love you too~" I kissed Foxy's cheek and he blushes. Maybe now I can ask him. "Hey Foxy... What do you think of... Um sex?" He blushes dark red.

"A-aye... Um..." He was just blushing... Maybe he's still shy about it.



"Oh it's ok Foxy... I was just wondering you know? You know I'm a perv... So I was just wondering."

"It's ok cap'n... Just as long as nothing happens"

"You know I'll never do that to you Foxy" I'll never do anything to Foxy. I can wait for him no matter what. I don't care besides just being able to talk to Foxy is good for me. I pulled Foxy in close and kissed his cheek. He only smiles so I smiled back. He's just a happy, shy, fox... And that's all I need.

Foxy POV

I was just happily cuddling Freddy while I was sitting in his lap. He's so soft and warm. My tail was wagging as I felt Freddy petting my head. My tail wagged more. Freddy knows I love head pats so he pets my head a lot.

"Hehe happy, little Foxy"

"Heyy... Aye not that short..."

"You're shorter then me"

"That because ye are tall..." I laid my head on Freddy's chest. I heard Freddy laugh a bit but whatever. Just as long as I can cuddle him I'll be fine.

Some hours later

I don't know how much time as pass by because last thing I remember was me laying in bed with Freddy hugging me. Geez... What time is it now? I got up and looked at the clock. Midnight... It's that late now?... Mm. I was gonna get up but I heard Freddy.

"Hun... Where are you going?" I blushed 'hun'? He... He never called me that. I guess he noticed my blush. "Hehe... What? I can't give you a nickname"

"Y-ye can... Just got me off guard" Freddy just smiles. Does this mean he's gonna be calling me hun now? I'm not used to this... Imma blush so much whenever he calls me that! God damn you feelings! Why do you make me feel this way!!

Freddy POV

Is Foxy ok? He seems to be... Questioning something...

End of chapter

This is me rn

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