~Mall Part 1~

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Fade POV

"Little fox~" I was holding Felix in my arms and he was blushing.
"Let me goo"
"Nah~" I kissed Felix's cheek and he blushes more. "I wanna hold my fox closed to me"
"But aye was gonna hang out with my sister today... Aye told ye cap'n"
"Yea I know... You're waiting for her right?"
"So I'm just hugging you until she comes"
"O-ok" it's so cute to see him blush... But from what I know... Mia(Mangle) and him are going to go shopping...

I can't be with Felix at that time... To protect him...

What am I think??? He should be fine... It's only for a few hours!
"FeLiX lEt'S gO!"
"Aye! Cap'n?"
"Right sorry" I let go of Felix and he ran over to Mia. Then they walked out... I can't help but to be worried...
"Relax Fade... They well be fine"
"I know that Grey!... But I'm still worried..."
"Calm your yandere ass down..." Grey looked over at me. "You need to watch over yourself... And control yourself too... I'm not always going to help you out"
"Yea yea I know... And I'm trying ok? It's just hard..."

Felix POV

It's been a while since Mia and I did this... Good while.
"Where to?"
"Ok!" We walked over to the candy store... And Mia being herself for a lot of candy... Like always... And she finishes it... In like 2 days?? How she does it? I have no clue.

(My little brother is like that)

"So... How is things with you and Celesta(Toy Chica)?"
"G-gOoD! YoU aNd FadDe?"
"Cap'n and aye are doing good! He's nice to me... And sometimes a bit perverted but he's good" I saw Mia do that look. "Don't worry... He hasn't tried to do that... Aye think?"

(( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))

I know Mia would be pissed off if cap'n did that... Without asking me if it was ok... But he hasn't! So it's all good???

Is it?... I don't know.
"Just lead the way Mia and aye well follow ye"
"YaY!!" Mia walked in front so I just followed her.

Fade POV

"Got any 2's?"
"Go fish"

"It's the first round Fade!"

End of chapter
Im thinking of just using their real in game names because sometimes it's hard to remember their AU names I gave them lol
Especially for the toys

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