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Freddy POV

I was sitting by Foxy while he's on the hospital bed. Why did they hurt him he didn't do anything bad... He was just protecting the kids...
I fucking swear... I'mma kill those bunny mask fuckers. I stand up and saw that Foxy was still out still. I just sighed a bit and laid my head back down. Just waiting... Waiting for the doctors to say something or Foxy to wake up.

A time skip

"So... Foxy may have to stay here for a while to recover"

"I see..." I hate the fact that Foxy has to stay in a hospital... Hospitals are nothing good... In my opinion...

(Freddy doesn't trust hospitals)

"But... I'll keep checking up on him"

"That's fair" the doctor left after that and I sat down by Foxy again. Well... Foxy was already blind in his right eye but now... He's lost that eye.
After some time Chica, Bonnie, and Goldie did come to check up as well. I mean... We're all worried about him. And I was told that the families that were there as well... Gave a but of money for Foxy and the bills which is nice of them. But they didn't have 2.

Goldie POV

I was back at the pizzeria with the police's showing them the cameras. Good thing the cameras have night vision.
We can see the bunny mask people running around. We saw one of them turn the lights off while the other goes over to the cove where the kids are. And then the one who turn the lights off ran over to the main stage where Freddy was and we saw Freddy being able to take the knife away from that bunny mask. But as we saw Freddy couldn't take the mask off. Great...

"These bunny mask... This is the 5th case about them" so... There has been more.
"Yea... Sorry that is all we got and of course the fight that one had with Foxy" it kinda sucks we don't know who they are... I hate it.

"Thanks for the help Mr. Goldie now we got more information about the bunny mask we'll look more into this" I nod then they left I just sighed. Tho... One of the movements of this person looks familiar... But I don't want to put it on her... I can't. So I just sighed and if it is her... Then I don't know what I will do... Ugh.

??? POV

"That didn't go ask plan... "

"Yea it didn't..."

End of chapter

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