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Take more of my videos with my derpy art style UwU

Fade POV

We were looking around for a good while... About 2 hours now? I don't know I don't keep track... Maybe I should? IDK-

"? Felix you ok?"
"Aye can smell her... She's around here"
"Oh ok"

"GET CROWBARED BITCH!" And that's Shade... I grad Felix's paw and walked over to Shade to see a shadow chicken on the follow crying???
"Why the fuck you hit me with that damn crowbar Shade!"
"Because... I wanted to... And you're lucky I didn't have my axe"

"Is that the shadow chicken you were talking about Shade?"
"Yep!... She's coming with us and I think Mia is with Celeste"

(I can't remember if it's an e or an a lol)

"Ok thanks for your help"
"Yea yea" Shade teleported away. "Great... Now what you wanna do Felix?"
"Aye... Aye don't know cap'n"
"Same here..." What can we do? MmmmMmmm we can annoy Grey?? But... Last time I did that...

Flash back


End of that

He threw me out the window... Which hurt a lot! But eeehhhhh... We have always been like this.
"Wanna go annoy Grey?"
"But cap'n... Last time ye did that he threw ye out the window"
"I know... But he's my brother and I know he loves me"

"Are you sure about that?"
"Damn Grey you don't have to be so mean about itt"
"It's just how I am Fade... It's me"

Felix POV

It seems like they always hate each other but they don't

(Me and my family all the time)

I looked around and saw Fade and Grey fighting again... I'm not gonna stop them. I walked over to Mia.
"How is she?"
"S-she's good"

"... I'm sorry Felix... For what I said... I wasn't in control and I don't really remember what happened..."
"It's ok lass... But aye don't know how cap'n is gonna take it"
"It's fine... I know how Fade gets I'll just stay out of his way right now"
"Ok lass"

Mia was hugging Celeste so I just smiled.

"It's getting late now" I looked over at Fade to see a bit of oil/blood dripping from his eye a bit.
"Ye ok cap'n?"
"I'm fineeee just Grey needs to calm down"

"Says the one who has a knife on him 24/7"

"Heyy... You never know"

"What cap'n?"
"It's nothing~"
"If ye say so"

Fade walked off to the room and I followed behind him... Does cap'n have a knife on him? But why would he have a knife on him?...

Fade POV

My wonderful blue gloves are dirty now... Sad

End of chapter

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