~Scariest Thing~

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Wow... The only Halloween chapter I did this week because I just got this idea! Like right now

Fade POV

Halloween huh? Well... We don't know what to do... Grey likes to be creepy this day so there is that... But nothing is gonna scare me nope! But I wouldn't mind scaring Felix a bit. Hehe

"You're a devil Fade"
'Huh? Oh Grey hey"
"I know that smirk of yours... you might as well dress up as a devil to get it over with"
"You're righttt... Grey give me some of your clothes!"

"... Rude..."
"I know you love me brother"
"Sure... 'Love' yea..." Ok now he's being rude! He told me to go as a devil so I don't see the problem here.

Felix POV

"... So aye really have to be an angel Cali?"
"Knowing Fade... He's gonna go as a devil so yes... Besides I know the scary thing that is gonna scare him today"
"Really? What is it lass?"
"It's a Secret"
"Oh ok... What ye going as"
"Cupid is my costume"
"Aye should have known..."


Cali helped me out with my outfit... She's really good at picking out clothes for stuff.
"Aye need to wear these wings?"
"Yes! I'll help you"
"So get up... We're almost done here"

I got up and Cali helped me put on the wings. I looked into the mirror.
"Wow! It looks really good lass!"
"Thank you! You know me haha!"
"Yea aye know"

I sat back down as Cali want to go changed into her costume. Aye wonder... What is Cali going to say that is gonna scary cap'n?... Aye wonder what it can be...
"I'm here! What do you think?"
"Ye look really nice lass"

"Aw thanks!"

(Felix and Cali are like the best of friends ok?)
"Now... Do you think everyone is ready by now?"
"Let's go Felix!"
"Aye!" We walked out of Cali's room.

Yes aye was in a girl's room... So what?

We walked over to where everyone was.
"See... I told you he was going as a devil"

No one POV

"Aw... It's my little angel~" Fade said as he puts his paws on Felix's cheeks. Felix started to blush.
"C-cap'n... Stop it" Felix said has he tried to push Fade away.
"Hehe isn't it my job to be like this you ya? You know... I'm a devil and you're an angel~" Fade pulled Felix in closer.

"Nah~" Fade kisses Felix's forehead.

"Hey Fade... Wanna know the scariest thing?" Cali said with a smirk as she walked up to them.

"What?" Fade said as he turned over to Cali. Cali giggled a bit making Fade a bit confused.

"Being straight"


I'm not wrong?

This was a joke! If I offended anyone I'm sorry

End of chapter

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