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Felix POV

I was in the shower... Grey put cap'n on the bed. Hopefully cap'n is ok. Grey said he well be ok but... Eh? I don't know.

I got out of the shower and started to dry myself. I wonder... What is going to happen now... Cap'n didn't look to happy... About everything that happened.

Grey POV

Fade is going yo go kill someone... I just know it... I should stop him... But I don't want to.

Felix POV

Nah cap'n should be fine!

I got dressed and walked out of thr room to see cap'n sitting on the bed.
"Huh? Oh hey Felix... I see you took a shower"
"Aye!" I sat down by cap'n.
"What happened? I can't really remember... All I remember is yelling at that... Lady"
"Well... Grey knocked ye out"
"Oh ok... I can see why he did"

"Don't worry about it... I'm just happy you're ok" Cap'n said to rub my ear and I smiled with my tail wagging. "Hehe" I was blushing too. "You're too cute Felix"

"A-... N-no"
"Yes you are" I was gonna say no but cap'n kept on rubbing my ear. Maybe me blush more.

Fade POV

"See you're cute"


Now... What should I do with those fuckers who pushed Felix? And... That lady too who called the cops... I can always just kill them... So they well not bother us again but also... I can warn them... If I do that... That lady is just gonna call the cops on me again... I can just kill her and warn the other 2... Yea... I can do that... And if don't listen to my warning... I can kill them.

I looked down at Felix to see him asleep I smiled and laid him down in the bed. Now... To get to work...

I walked over to my dresser and got my my pair of gloves... It's a good thing I have a lot of gloves... Wonderful dark blue gloves.

(Like in the image for this chapter)

I got changed into my black hoodie with grey pants and walked out.
"Wait... My backpack!" I walked back into my room to get my backpack. "How did I almost forget this?" I walked back out.
"Fade what are you gonna go do?"
"Huh?" I turn to see Grey. "Isn't it obvious?"

"If you get your ass caught I'm not going to help you"
"Relax Grey... At least have some faith in your older brother"
"Yea yea" I walked out of the pizzeria/house


Now... Let's make my way into town...

Now... Where do these people live? Greattt... Welp...

I walked into town and started to look around. Nighttime a great time to kill someone... But there are some people around here... Meh... Just look around fine the people... And kill when they are alone... Or less people are around.

I was walking around for a bit then I heard a familiar female voice talking to... Sounds like a friend? I turn to see that lady talking with someone... That may be her friend... But who cares? It's now... Or never I guess

I looked around great not that many people come around here. Great...

I open up my bag and pulled out a mask that covers my face just fine... Geez... This mask needs to clean... It's dirty... Meh

I put on my mask and took out my knife.
"Bitch goes bye-bye"

End of chapter
Because I'm so damn evil and me tried-

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