~Walk Part 2~

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Fade POV

I was walking while Felix was hugging my arm... I don't mind I like it.
"So how long do you want to walk for?" I turn over to Felix.
"As long as ye want too!" He smiles so I smiled back.
"Ok then" We continued we our walk talking about everyone at the house too starting a family at some point. "So... You want a kid I'm guessing right Felix?"
"Aye! Aye want to give my kid the childhood aye couldn't have"
"Eh? What do you mean by that?"
"Aye tell ye some other time ok?"
"... Ok then" ... The childhood he couldn't have... Huh? Did something happen to Felix when he was younger? Maybe... Was it that bad... I think so mean he doesn't want to talk about it right now... But he did say he's gonna tell me later on... So yea

Felix POV

Now I know cap'n is gonna be worried about me... After I just said that... I'm an idiot... Ugh why did I say that? I mean... I am gonna tell him about that... But not now... He doesn't need to know right now... Just wait to tell him yea!

My ear twitch.
"Aye heard something move"
"... Let's go home now... Who knows what can be out here by now"
"Aye" I walked over to Fade but I felt something... No someone grab my arm and looked over to see a man... With a very creepy smile.
"Hello there boy... What you doing?"

"Hey! Let him go!" Cap'n walked over and took me away from the man. The man got up and Fade growled at him.
"Can a man just have a little fun with random people on the streets? If you know what I mean"
"Like hell Imma let you do that with my boyfriend you fucking pervert!"

(Looks who talking)
"Does it look like I care that he's your boyfriend? No! Besides he smell like a virgin"
"... So what... I'm not doing anything to him..."

Fade POV

I wanna fucking stab this guy... But Felix is here... I can't... I'm not gonna rape Felix... I rather wait then force him into it...

I felt Felix shaking... He's scared
"Got nothing to say? You fucking weak ass kid"

"Why don't you shut the fuck up before I fucking stab you old hag"


"You would stab your elders?"

"If they keep talking shit yea... I see no problem in just stabbing one of them"

(NOTE: Don't stab your elders)

"Haha! I like you kid"
"Well too bad... I hate you"

"I was testing you!"
The fuck!
"'Testing' me my ass! I don't like you because you were hitting on my boyfriend! And don't you fucking saw it was some damn joke!"

This bitch...

Now I wanna fucking kill him... But Felix... I DON'T GIVE A DAMN NOW!

I walked over to the man and he backed up a bit.

"Why are you scared now? Huh? Scared of a kid... And here I was thinking you wanted to be friends"

"Something is fucking off about you! I may be crazy but I'm not that fucking crazy!"

"Well... I'm crazy... So there is that"


"Nope" that I was Grey... I turn to see Felix gone. "You owe me for this Fade... I'm not doing this again so watch yourself" guess he teleported Felix back home... Which means...

"Bitch goes bye bye"

I took my knife out and stab the guy in the heart... But Grey is right... I need to control myself... Geez...

"You heard me right Fade?"

"Yea yea I heard you... And fine... Now what do you want?"
"... All I want you to do is get me a reservation(?) At a restaurant"
"Eh? What?"
"I wanna take Seth on a date... But you know I'm not good at talking with people..."
"Of course I'll help you! What place and time?"

"... Thanks" Grey smiled a bit...


(Grey rarely smiles)

End of chapter

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