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Fade POV

"Bitch is gonna die... Haha"

⚠⚠ Bad knife? Writing cus I'm tried RN but Imma still try- ⚠⚠


I started to walk toward her. With my hoodie down so they don't see the mask right away. People really think I'm gonna let things slip huh? No... This lady called the cops on me... For no good reason... So what's the point of her being alive? Huh?

(Fade calm down there)

I walked behind her and stabbed her right in her back. I was able to walked away a bit then she gaspped and fell to the ground? Um... Ok then...

Then someone started yelling about calling the ambulance... I mean it's not that bad... But she well bleed to death before the cops and ambulance comes... And if she lives I'll just stab her heart the next time I see her.

I made sure no one was looking so I took the mask off and out it in my back... I dropped thr knife and walked away from it... Not like it has my paw/finger prints on it... Gloves for the win. I took my gloves off too and put them in my bag... And just watched and waited... Wait... Felix... Ah shit.

I saw the cops showed up... I looks back at the lady... She's died ot close to it. I walked away and made my way back to the pizzeria/house and walked in and closed the door. I sighed then walked to the room and saw Felix still asleep. I got changed and laid down by Felix and hugged him while he was asleep.
"Mmm..." Hehe... He's too cute.

I soon fell asleep hugging Felix.

End of chapter
Cuz I'm tried and My brain doesn't want to work RN LOL

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