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Freddy POV

"Why do blushing so much Foxy?"
"Ye are shirtless thats whyyy"
"Aw~ you want me to put in a shirt?"
"Hehe" Foxy buried his face into his pillow and I laughed a bit. I patted Foxy's head a bit.
"Hehe I know you like getting head pats Foxy" Foxy's tail was wagging so I smiled.

Le time skip

Foxy POV

I started to slowly wake up to sees that Freddy was hugging me. I blushed a bit and saw that Freddy was still asleep. I slowly got up and looked around. What time is it?... Meh I don't know... I don't really care right now.

I got dressed then I walked out of the room over to the kitchen.
"Come on Bon it's not that hard to make pancakes"
"Chica... Im not Bonnie..."
"Oh... Sorry Goldie... Normally Bon cooks with me"
"... M..."

Goldie is helping Chica cook?... When did this happened? Doesn't Goldie like being in his room all day???

"? Oh hey Foxy! How are you?"
"A-ahoy Chica and Goldie"

"Um... Goldie helping cooking is something new... Um... How come?"
"Goldie helps me out with a lot of things Foxy... This is just his first time cooking"

Wait what-

"Goldie... Helps you?"
"Yea doesn't he help you?"

"OH WOW! So you help a chicken amd not your own brother Goldie??"

"Freddy shut up... You can help yourself with your own problems..."

"Besides... Chica's my friend..."

Freddy POV

Hold up what--
"What about Foxy and Bonnie??? Aren't they your friends??"
"Well... Yes but... Chica's my... She's my best friend..."
"Hell yea I am!"

(So sweet)

And here I was thinking Goldie doesn't like talking to people AND NOW HE HAS A BEST FRIEND WHO IS CHICA???

Like what- bruh... Do they even have anything in common???
Well... People do say Opposites attract but still... Huh?????

"Freddy I think you're thinking too much about this"
"Wait wait wait... Does Goldie talk to you Chica? About problems?"

"A bit yea... Why?"


End of chapter

Me whenever I don't update my stories

Im sorry don't hate me-

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