Twenty One | Homecoming

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"Seriously? What, this dude shows up at your door, bald and sweaty and says he's your uncle? I don't buy it."

I had run into MJ while I was heading to the grocery store closest to me, and we walked along the dimming streets chatting. I had told her about my uncle, who was currently sitting in the Parkers apartment while they waited on me. I had been sent out to get the last ingredient for the pasta May was cooking before the grocery store closed.

"You sound just like Peter, and Aura, and Harry" I groaned, and MJ snorted.

"Peter I know, who're the other two?" MJ asked, and I chuckled.

"Aura Tanner and Harry Osborn. Harry was in DC to watch the Decathlon with Aura, we ran into him at the monument. Peter and I saw them again and we got to talking. They're both really cool!" I explained, and MJ laughed.

"The blonde guy right? The one you couldn't take your eyes off of?" she joked, and I snorted.

"Yeah. They said the same thing as you. Anyways, what's up with you?" I asked, swinging my arms as we walked.

"I read this really good book the other day and I wanted to share it!" she started, launching into a description of the book.

I tuned out after a few seconds. Not from boredom, just to stare, which sounds creepy, and it probably was, but I couldn't help it.

When I met MJ, she had been going by Michelle, and we had both been new. She had been drawing another one of the students with a sullen look on his face, and once she was done she'd slid the notebook across the desk to me. She was quite the talented artist, and that day at lunch we sat at the same table as two dorky boys talking about Star Wars. We introduced ourselves, and from that day on we sort of had this mutual bond. We usually kept quiet, but there would be days when we would get into long animated talks about books we liked or other such topics.

But in all that time I had never seen MJ look so... happy. There really wasn't any other word I could think of to describe it. It wasn't quite passion, something different I just couldn't quite describe. Sure I had seen MJ smile, or enjoy something, but staring at her now, I just couldn't help but feel happy too. As if her mood was affecting mine.

It was then I realised just how much I liked MJ. Needless to say, it was a lot. But, a problem arose, in the form of MJ's crush on Peter, and Peter's crush on MJ.

"I think you'd really like it! Did I say what it was called?" MJ asked, finishing her rant.

"Nope." I laughed, and MJ sighed, smiling and shaking her head.

"Good job Michelle, leave out the most important part. It's called Mortal Instruments. It's shorter than I usually read, and Young Adult, but I really liked it! So yeah! I think you should check it out! Actually, I have my copy here, if you wanna take it." she held the book out to me. "You don't have to if you don't want to." we had stopped at a green light, waiting for the light to turn red so we could cross.

I took the book from her quickly. "No, no I want it." I said, and MJ gave me an awkward thumbs up. My phone buzzed, and I glanced down at it, expecting to see a text.

"Shoot, I've gotta take this." I said, and MJ nodded. "Hey Peter what's up?" I asked.

"Are you at the grocery store?" Peter asked, and I glanced across the street at the aforementioned building.

"Almost. How're things there?"

"Uhhh, May's telling your supposed uncle about how awesome you are. I'm quoting her there." the little crossing person on the light lit up and I stepped off the sidewalk, glancing both ways despite the go ahead from the tiny glowing man.

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