Twenty Three | Hospital Records

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I woke in an ambulance, rolling over to spill murky water and a half digested pretzel onto the floor, coughing as I did so. The EMT who had been giving me CPR jolted back just in time.

I took several deep breaths, and the EMT's looked both relieved and grossed out.

"Sorry about that." I apologised weakly, attempting to sit up, but the EMT who's shoes I'd thrown up on gently pressed my shoulders down.

"Lie still, we're taking you to the Hospital." he informed, and I fought off a surge of panic.

"Okay," I said weakly, nodding to them.

I zoned myself out as they brought me in, drifting into a wary daydream about explosions and swimming pools.

Apparently Peter had been in the second of two EMT vehicles who had shown up to help me, and we had about five minutes of discussion time before he was kicked out.

Thankfully, since I could eat with no issue and the doctors only wanted to keep me here as a precaution, there was no need for an IV. They brought in a meal around one fifteen, chicken escalope, a warm roll, some butter, and a small fruit salad. I was buttering the roll when someone walking past the open door caught my eye.

"MJ?" I said aloud, and she turned, worry crossing her face.

"Gwen what are you doing here?" she asked, and I could see the panic behind her eyes.

"Aw, you know me! Just the usual; getting exploded off the Astro Tower on Coney Island into the bay." I joked, and MJ snorted, throwing her arms around me. "Seriously though, I'm fine, Doc Olsen said I'd be good to go tomorrow, I'm only here for the night," I said, and MJ pulled away.

"So, why are you here?" I asked, and her expression saddened.

"My uncle. His cancer came back with a vengeance a few days ago, and," her voice cracked, and she shifted, twisting her fingers. "They're releasing him into our care in four days."

My heart seized up in my chest. Hospice.

"Oh MJ... I'm so sorry..." I said, scooting cover to one side of the bed and patting the place next to me.

"It's fine." she said, swiping at her eyes as she sat down on the bed.

I pulled MJ over in a hug, setting my plate aside for now. "D'you wanna watch something? I've got a fruit salad," I offered, and MJ laughed.

"I'd love to watch a fruit salad." she joked, and I passed the bowl to her, changing the channel to a soap opera.

We watched a few episodes of the soap opera 'Frightening Times in Las Vegas' - a mystery romance following a 'sexy' casino owner and his family troubles - before

anyone else arrived, and I found out why pretty quickly.

Whitney appeared at the door and frowned upon seeing MJ relaxing on the hospital bed next to me, and a nurse appeared by her side.

"Miss, what are you doing in here?" the nurse asked MJ, who raised an eyebrow.

"Uh, visiting?" she said, and the nurse pursed her lips,

"Ms Hardy wasn't supposed to receive visitors until now." she admonished.

"It's my bad." I jumped in, and MJ cast a quick glance my way.

"MJ was walking by and I called her over, it was getting pretty lonely." I said, and the nurse seemed to relax.

"Okay, well, next time you see someone you know, buzz a nurse in and we'll make a note of it." she instructed, and Whitney walked in.

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