Extended Summary

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After her sister's untimely death, Gwendoline Hardy has no one else to turn to except her one and only friend, who, no offence, was not good at comforting people. She goes from being ignored, to; 'that girl whose sister died in that car crash'. Enter Peter Parker, a kind, selfless nerdy boy who sees that Gwendoline needs a friend, and also happens to be the friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man. Left with no one but her friends and a legacy to protect, Gwendoline must take on new responsibilities, and emotions that, if we're being honest, make her very uncomfortable.

Peter Parker hasn't always been Spider-Man, in fact, he's only been Spider-Man for a few months, and he's already attracted the attention of Tony Stark, who brought him in to help fight Captain America. When Peter gets back from Germany, he is determined to impress Mr Stark, befriend the snarky, anti-social girl whose sister just died, maintain good grades, and go to his homecoming dance with his crush Liz Allan. A lot of goals for a boy in high-school. Not to mention the new supervillain in town seems to have it out for him.

The two of them don't know it yet, but they have a lot in common, Gwen is a lot dorkier than she might let on, and Peter knows what it's like to lose someone. They both have an alter ego, and an investigation they hide from everyone else (well, almost everyone in Peter's case). The two are closer than they might know, their fates intertwined, so all it takes is a little luck, to tip the scales.

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