Nineteen | Answers

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I retrieved my suit from the nearby rooftop where I left it, Peter and the Weaver swinging behind.

"So, do we wanna talk now or later?" the Weaver asked, breaking the silence.

"Later, it'll look more suspicious if we leave and don't show up. I think later works better." I said, my tone clipped.

It may have been petty, but I was a little mad that Peter had met this person and not told me about it.

"Look, Cat are you-?" Peter began, as soon as we reached the roof my costume was on.

When I turned he was pulling off his mask, and I held up a hand.

"Don't." I said, shaking my head, "If the Weaver doesn't already know who you are, that is."

I grabbed my costume, fishing my phone out of it's pocket.

"We should exchange numbers. That way we can contact each other. Just put in a fake name or something." I said, opening my phone and going into my contacts.

I handed my phone over and let the Weaver enter their number. Once it was done, I added them and Peter to a group chat and sent a text.


It's Steve March and Bella Cane.

We met earlier today.

Today 10:47

"Oooh, are we doing fake names?" the Weaver exclaimed, and I stuffed my costume into my helmet.

"Alright. We'll set up a time and meet then to talk. I can wait a little longer for answers. From you at least." I said, pointing to the Weaver. "I dunno about you," I continued, turning to Peter. "But I'm heading home." pulling out a claw cord I swung away, leaving Peter no time to respond.

When I got home, it was fully dark, and my pillowcase of candy was waiting for me on the doorstep with a note from Ned.


(except for the part where we almost died sorta).

Be back after I get my stuff!

-Ned!!! :)

I laughed, starting to close the door, but something stopped it.

Peter had a hand on the doorframe, and a foot in the door.

I let go, and turned, rummaging through my candy bag.

"Gwen, please don't be mad." Peter said, and I sighed.

"I'm not mad, Peter, I just wish you would have told me sooner, that kinda sucked." I said, and Peter frowned.

"I know, and I'm sorry... I should have told you about Aura, I just couldn't figure out how to tell you." Peter apologised, and I sighed, letting go of my anger and smiling at him.

We stood there for a moment in awkward silence, my halloween playlist had finished while we were out. Not unexpectedly, I found an even more awkward thing to do: hug.

At first, instead of a heartfelt 'we just talked our feelings out and now we understand each other' hug it was more like the 'awkward sibling hug' from Gravity Falls, just without the familial relations.

After a few moments however, Peter and I relaxed, and I dropped my head onto his shoulder.

He smelled like cheap lavender deodorant.

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