Sixteen | Dodgeball

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We had Monday off since it was Halloween, and there were six days left until that was upon us.

Peter and I had planned to go Trick-or-Treating together, but that had eventually morphed to include Ned, and MJ, so we were coordinating a group costume, which we had yet to decide upon.

Ms Warren was going over work and power theory up at the front, so Peter and Ned were whispering idea's back and forth. I butted in occasionally to veto thing, some of which included My Little Pony, Scooby Doo, Ninja Turtles, and Superheroes.

"Why not?" Peter asked, glancing up at the front to make sure Ms Warren wasn't paying us any attention. "I could be Iron-Man, you could be Black Widow, MJ could be Captain America and Ned could be Hulk!" Peter pleaded and I shook my head.

"No, everyone gonna do that. I've been thinking about it and I seriously think we should go with Star Wars." Ned perked up at that, and Peter nodded slowly.

"Peter you can go as Han, Ned, Chewie, MJ, a Stormtrooper."

"I'm down." MJ interjected and Peter smiled.

"And I could be an X-Wing pilot." I offered, and MJ leaned over.

"You know a lot about Star Wars huh?" she asked, and I nodded.

"It's one of the best film franchises ever." I replied, and Peter's eye glowed.

"Mr Parker? Mr Leeds? Ms Hardy?" Ms Warren asked. "Am I boring you?"

We discussed the costume choices over the next few period, MJ interjecting how nerdy we were sounding, changing them several times before going back to the original, all before the day was done.

"Alright class, today we're going to be playing dodgeball." Coach Wilson announced lamely. "Flash, Betty, you're the Captains. We're gonna do a schoolyard pick."

"What if, one of us goes as the Death Star and acts as a candy bag." Ned suggested, and I shook my head.

"One, I don't think any one of us wants ot carry that, and two, the candy would just fall out the bottom." I reasoned."

"Flash, you pick first." Coach Wilson said















I walked over to where Betty was standing and waited as the remaining students were picked. I was surprised Peter hadn't been chosen last like usual, no offence to him.

"I'll give you a moment to, uh strategise, I guess." Coach shrugged, before walking off the court to stand off to one side.

"Okay, so I guess, Peter, Gwen, Raymond, Charles, and you four can sit out," Betty instructed, pointing to four other people. "Everyone else plays first. Good luck, and don't get hit!" Betty said, and I waved to Ned as he walked out onto the court.

Flash and his team won the first round, and then the rest of us stood up. I had always loathed Dodgeball, part of the reason I wasn't good at it, and the other reason was just that I didn't like Dodgeball. Flash sneered and Peter and rolled my eyes.

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