Twenty Six | Website Killed The Printing Star

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The wait for the school day to end felt like it lasted forever, but at least by the time P.E started MJ seemed to be feeling a lot better.

When the final bell rang, Peter Ned and I were, miraculously, the last people out the door.

Harry and Aura had left as soon as the bell rang to do their own research into who the Green Goblin was, with the hopes it could lead them to Kingpin.

We spent the first few minutes out of school proposing their extra credit project to their teacher, something, thanks to Ned and Peter, they now had to complete.

The walk home was longer than normal due to the detour to get more paper and ink, and Ned tried to break the too palpable tension by talking about Star Wars to no avail.

Thankfully, May was out shopping, as the note taped to the door relayed, as it would have been pretty hard to explain why we needed to print more than a hundred pages of a website we couldn't name. An added bonus, May knew about Peter being Spider-Man, and she wouldn't approve of the printing of a shady website, so if she came back during the printing process it would be even harder to explain.

"Okay, Let's get to it." I said, dropping my bag onto Peter's bed.

The first fifteen minutes started slow because Ned needed to create the printing algorithm again, this time on the account he used for Spider-Man stuff. He had explained that if someone could reverse engineer a hack, they could find out who he was.

So while he did that, Peter and I looked through the names on the website to see if we could recognise anyone..

"Who was that guy, the uh, the name you looked up?" Peter asked, and I deflated.

"Alan Guiles... He was the prosecuting lawyer in my dad's case." I said, sneering down at my lap in distaste. "I know he had something to do with my dad's death, so I thought maybe it had been on behalf of the Maggia." I revealed, and as Peter opened his mouth to reply, the printer started up.

"Got it!" he said, setting aside his laptop, and the first page came falling out.

"I got it." Peter said, and I stood up.

"I'll go get the hospital pages." I said, hurrying out into the hall.

I unlocked my door quickly, finding the stolen papers from where I'd hidden them inside a cheerio's box.

I left my apartment, closing and locking the door before heading back into Peter's apartment. The printer was loud, and I could hear it from the living room.

"Ok! I got them." I said loudly, dropping down on the chair Ned had been sitting in. I split the large stack into three smaller ones, handing them out in exchange for some papers from the website.

For the first half hour things went smoothly, as it was just handing out papers, crossing out names and repeating.

Then, after the printer got too hot, Ned paused the printing process, and while he and Peter tried to find anything else on Kingpin via the website, I finished cross checking the lists with each other.

I was on the last page and the printer had started up again when Peter spoke. He was tolerating me, but he clearly wasn't ready to talk about what I'd said.

"Hey Gwen, what was the name of that lawyer guy again?" he asked, glancing between me and the computer screen.

"Alan Guiles, why?" I asked, standing up and walking over.

My heart stopped.

There, on the screen, was a picture of Alan Guiles, smiling into the camera, hair oiled into place for his picture. And underneath the assignments was my fathers name.

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