Twenty Five | Extra Credit

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A curled fist slammed against the desk so hard a loud crack resonated through the otherwise quiet office. If it had been anyone else, he would've been worried about his employer's hand. Instead, calmly floating on his glider, Norman Osborn simply stared at the spot where the desk had cracked.

"They what?!" Kingpin snarled, and the Green Goblin exhaled slowly and quietly through his nose.

"The two agents you sent in to kill Gwendoline Hardy failed. One, the better of the two if I understand correctly, has been arrested." Kingpin glowered at the area past his head.

"Why." the word hadn't been phrased like a question but Osborn answered it as such.

"The girl has proof. You need to fix that." he said, making sure to pin this mistake solely on Kingpin, and the man nodded slowly.

"We're moving the plan ahead of schedule." he said, standing and taking hold of the diamond topped cane leaning on his desk.

Slowly, he made his way to the window, and one of the henchmen in the room scurried forward hesitantly.

Mere minutes ago someone had been thrown across the room into the wall and hadn't moved since.

"S-sir? May I suggest something?" he asked, holding up a newspaper in front of him, almost as a shield.

"What." Kingpin demanded, and Osborn barely tensed, getting ready to step out of their way.

"Well, the school this Hardy girl goes to, Midtown, is having a football game this upcoming Friday and-" Kingpin took the newspaper from his lackeys hand and the man stepped back several paces.

"Get back here in four hours with your plan, and it better include ending Hardy. She's becoming a real nuisance." Kingpin said, tossing the newspaper down onto his desk.

Without a word Norman Osborn turned and left, glider lifting him further off the floor as he headed for the window, replacing his mask on his head. Crazy or not, Kingpin was a good business partner and a main contributor to most of Oscorps projects. All he had to do was end one measly high schooler before Spider-Man and the Black Cat got there.

How hard could it be.


It was happening again. People were staring as I walked through the halls of Midtown to get to Physics. This time however, the stares were no longer pitying, they were impressed. A few people even nodded at me as I passed. News travelled fast, and there were no doubt already several versions of what had happened circling the school. At this point I was used to people talking about me behind my back, just not about something like this.

Hurrying into Ms Warren's classroom I went to the third desk from the back wall and sat down. A few seconds later Peter sat down next to me, dropping his bag and turning to face me.

"Hey." he said shortly, and I fidgeted nervously.

"Peter, can we talk?" I asked and he shrugged.

I glanced up to the front of the classroom where Ms Warren was still seated at her desk, writing something in a page of her teacher's notebook.

"I need to-"

She cleared her throat and stood, rustling some papers and I looked up, startled. Two very familiar people were standing at the front of the classroom.

"Hey Gwen!" Aura Tanner waved, and several people turned to look at me.

"Is that Aura Tanner?"

"That's definitely Harry Osborn!"

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