Thirty Two | Happy Thanksgiving

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"Peter, please... Don't do it."

"I'm sorry Ned. I have to, I have no choice."

"Peter please, I love you..."

Cards shuffled. "Uno." 

Glancing back and forth between Peter and Ned, MJ snorted.

Drawing four cards, Ned pretended to cry. "How could you..."

Setting down his last two cards - a wild card and a red five - Harry held up his hands triumphantly.  "Uno, I win!" he said, and Ned turned to him.

"I think you mean, I win." he said, setting down all of his cards, and Aura laughed.

After the battle with Norman, Peter and Aura had webbed him up before we left, and just in case, we waited until he was in custody to go home.

In Aura's kitchen, May was cooking alongside Ned's grandmother, and MJ's mom. Harry Aura and I had no relatives to come to dinner, seeing as Harry's dad had recently been arrested, Aura's parents were on the run, and my mother was 'dead'.

"Okay, Harry gets six points," Aura said, counting everyone cards. "Peter gets five, I get four, MJ three, Gwen two. And Ned, Ned, you get one point."

Ned stuck his tongue out at Peter who made a face in turn, as Aura flipped through her pad of paper; We'd been having an all day game marathon - with football on in the background of course. The smells of turkey and bread and a delicious mixture of spices wafted our from the kitchen as we put unto back into its box, stacking it with the other games.

Harry had just won UNO, his second win of the night, counting Monopoly, which Ned insisted shouldn't, because MJ hadn't arrived yet.

Thus far, the wins were as follows:

Monopoly: Harry

Star Wars Trivial Pursuit: Peter, barely.

Regular Trivial Pursuit: MJ

Sorry: Me!

Clue: Ned

Clue: Aura

Uno: Harry

Apparently, Ned's Grandmother really liked clue, so he played a it a lot.

MJ's mom was laughing and talking with May and Lola - Ned's grandmother - as we wrapped up our games.

Aura tallied up the points to find that Harry was in the lead, with two wins and one second place, MJ was next with one win, and two second places, then her, with one win and one second place, then, Peter, then Ned, and finally, in last myself.

"You guys should just give up already, I'm just so, so far ahead you'll never catch up." I joked, and everyone around the table laughed. 

It was nice to finally catch a break from everything, from being the Black Cat, and having to fight crime. Of course, there'd been times where I needed to go get something throughout the night, check in on the police scanner and even run out for a bit to help out. 

Kingpin hadn't made any appearances, in my life as Gwen, or while I was out fighting crime, so as far as I was concerned, unless Peter's phone buzzed with an alert from the Police Scanner app he had, tonight was for relaxing and playing games with my friends.

"Okay, we need a tie breaker, games wise, anybody have any suggestions?" Aura asked, and everyone fell silent as they thought

"We could do connect four?" Ned suggested

"Don't have it." Peter apologised, shaking his head.

"What about Jenga?" Aura put in, and Peter shook his head again.

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