Nine | The Party

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Liz's party started at seven, and went until midnight, so I knew I had plenty of time, although transportation would be a bit of a problem. Which was how I found myself dressed up and ready to go, standing in front of the Parkers apartment. 

I knocked on the door and moments later May Parker opened it, her smile growing even larger when she saw who it was.

"Gwen! C'mon in! Peter's getting ready for a party, how can I help you?" May asked, leading me inside. I saw Ned sitting on the couch, staring at the TV which was playing Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back. 

"Gwen?!" he exclaimed when May cleared her throat. Ned leapt to his feet and dashed off, no doubt to go tell Peter I was here. 

"So, what can I help you with?" May asked, still looking a little confused as to what had just happened.

"Oh, uh, you know that party Peter was going to?" I asked, and May nodded. "Well, I was kinda hoping I could get a ride..." I said, trailing off and May beamed.

"Of course you can ride with Peter and Ned!" she beamed, patting me on the shoulder. "Are you all ready to go?"

"Yes. Thank you so much Ms Parker." I said gratefully, and May smiled.

"Please," she insisted. "call me May."


I was in the middle of getting ready for Liz's party when Ned burst in, shutting the door behind him and rambling on about how my neighbour was here.

"Ned slow down!" I exclaimed, holding my hands up, and Ned took a breath.

"Gwen is here. I don't know why but she is. I'm assuming it's cause of the party." Ned supplied, and I frowned.

"Dude why are you so freaked out about this?" I asked, and Ned sighed.

"Wait. I thought- ohhh never mind; I got confused." Ned said, slowly backing out of my room and closing the door behind him.  

Confused, I finished getting dressed for the party, putting my phone in the waterproof pocket of my suit. I walked out of my room, making sure May wouldn't be able to see it.

"Okay May! I'm ready to go!" I started, trailing off when I saw Gwen. Her hair was pulled back into a loose bun and she was wearing a black AC-DC shirt with ripped black jeans and a leather jacket with the sleeves rolled up. She had a black and gray flannel tied around her waist and she was wearing black soft leather doc martens. She had gone full grunge (or maybe goth, Peter couldn't tell), with black leather cuffs on her wrists and a black choker studded with spikes.

Apparently I hadn't been staring as long as I thought as no one seemed perturbed. "Alright! Let's go!" May said, grabbing her car keys and walking out of the apartment, the three teens in tow.

"Uh, hey Gwen. You look nice." I stammered, mentally cursing myself for sounding so awkward. We were sorta friends so why was it so hard to compliment her.

"Thanks Parker. You don't look too bad yourself." she replied, eyeing me up and down for a moment. "So, why did Ned run off when he saw me?" she asked, and I gulped.

"Oh... He just got... really... excited, to see you." I lied, and Gwen paused for a moment before shrugging.

"Yeah that tracks." she said, and May pushed open the door, leading us outside to where her wood panelled station wagon was parked."

"Let's get to the party!"


I didn't buy Peter's excuse about Ned but he really seemed to be struggling so I went with it. May was super hyped to even be driving us to a party. I was surprised I hadn't had any second thoughts yet, as I still wasn't sure why I had talked myself into coming to this party.

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