Ten | Midnight Swim

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The next five days were a blur that somehow went too slowly, but before I knew it the Academic Decathlon trip had arrived and I was on my way to the bus that was getting ready to leave. Over the past few days Flash hadn't called the cops on me so I had a feeling he was mostly impressed I had the guts to punch him, he was strange like that. I stood next to Michelle in line, as we stood by the bus, talking about the last few days. Apparently, there had been a basketball game yesterday which had been why there hadn't been school on a Wednesday.

"Hey Guys, I was hoping I could rejoin the team." Peter said, looking rather awkward. Flash started complaining before Mr Harrington stepped out of the bus and welcomed Peter back. I gave Peter a small smile before boarding the bus and making my way towards the back. I had my hood up, and my Decathlon jacket over it to hide my hair. I knew everyone would see eventually but for now I kept it hidden. I set my bag down next to me, and looked to MJ who was sitting a few seats in front of me. 

We had pulled away from the curb by now, and the bus was now trundling along on the highway towards DC. MJ and I chatted for a while before Liz drew everyone's attention by clearing her throat. She pulled out the same red booklet from a few days ago, and started reading questions. 

Everyone had been given a bell, and a set of instructions; If you think you know the answer, say it. I ended up getting a few questions right by the time we got to the hotel, so when the bus pulled into the drop off area I stood, grabbing my bag and walking to the front.

"Here's the bell back." I said, handing the small bell to Liz.

"Thanks! You did really well!" Liz smiled, and with that I hopped off the bus.

"Whoa. This place is huge!" someone gasped as soon as we entered the hotel.

"Eh, I've seen bigger." someone else, probably Flash, dismissed. I tilted my head back, listening to the dim chatter of everyone around me accompanied by the faint tweeting of birds. When I brought my head back down, I didn't notice that my hoodie had fallen back revealing my silver hair to everyone around me. Betty was the first one to notice, and she pointed it out to Liz. I was the last one to notice, realising people were staring at me after a few seconds.

"Uh, Gwen...?" Betty asked.

"Yeah?" I looked back at the group, a small frown upon my face.

"Your hair looks awesome." Liz complimented. Well, sooner or later was now I supposed, and took the compliment.

"Thanks guys." I smiled, before suddenly wondering how they hadn't noticed my hair before. I had worn it down during P.E. and no one had noticed. Shrugging I pushed the thought to the back of my head for another time.

"We're your friends Gwen. It's what we do." Liz answered. "Now, let's go get our rooms set up." she suggested. Murmurs of agreement sounded throughout the group of Midtown Students. We headed over to the elevators getting off on the third floor. I walked with MJ to the room we shared, and looked across the hall to see Peter and Ned closing the blinds to their room. MJ and I talked for a while before MJ decided to go out protesting. I ended up forgoing leaving the hotel, instead deciding to stay in.  MJ got back after lunch - I'd had to leave the hotel for that - and regaled me with protest stories that almost made me wish I'd gone with her. 

After another few hours or so, dinner came and went, MJ ended up ordering Chinese take out from a local restaurant, and not long after eight thirty five Liz came to us asking if we wanted to raid the mini-bar and go swimming. MJ and I both agreed, and I changed in the bathroom, while MJ grabbed the book she wanted to read.

"I'm tempted to bring a book but I don't want Flash to 'accidentally' ruin it like last time." I grumbled, and MJ laughed. In the few weeks I had been going to MSST, Flash had managed to drop the book I had been reading in one of the school's water fountains. Of course, he had paid for a new copy of the book however reluctantly, I ended up keeping the old waterlogged one.

At the last minute, MJ decided just to stay in the room and read, so I bid her farewell, and slipped out of the room. Everyone else was already waiting outside their rooms whispering quietly. We were running down the hall, laughing and shushing each other when Peter slipped out of his room so fast I ran into him. I almost fell but Peter caught my arm and kept me from falling, and I smiled warmly at him. I felt giddy, almost as though I was disconnected from reality or floating through a dream perhaps, so when I nearly fell over I fell into a fit of giggles so unlike me Peter looked as though he wanted to ask if something was wrong.

"Thanks Parker, now get your trunks and come with us!" I laughed, running ahead. I hadn't had this much fun in years, and I felt truly relaxed. I was the first to the pool room, throwing my towel onto a pool chair, and diving in. My dive was graceful and resulted in a very small splash unlike Flash's cannonball which splashed water all over. Liz sat on the side of the pool splashing water at Flash when he popped up, and I swam over, splashing them both, and starting a splash war. I don't know how long we stayed in the pool, but I was the last one out, peacefully floating in the pool, silvery hair floating out around me like a cartoon mermaid. I got out a few minutes after Liz, and walked back to my room, talking with Liz and the others. 

I was so lost in my joy I forgot Felicia had died, and I only remembered when I had my phone out and was halfway through writing out a text to her. When I slipped into my room, hair still dripping onto the carpet, MJ was asleep, so I tried not to disturb her as I showered. I sat down on the bed closer to the door, before standing again to close the blinds. Once I had finished bustling about the room I settled down underneath the hotel comforters, falling asleep in a matter of minutes.

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