Eleven | Going Up

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The next morning I woke up around seven fifteen, and started getting ready. MJ woke up around half an hour later, grumbling about needing coffee. I laughed, pulling my shirt over my bra and giving myself one minute to brush my hair.

"Morning Gwen. How are you awake so early?" MJ groaned, standing up, and pulling her hair into a ponytail. I pulled my yellow midtown jacket on, and started lacing up my doc's. MJ got dressed in around five minutes, and we walked out of the hotel room, day bags in hand. We met up with everyone next to the bus, ready to head to the decathlon.

"Hey Ned, where's Peter?" I asked and we boarded the bus.

"He's uh, he wasn't feeling well." Ned stammered, edging past MJ and I.

The bus ride was short, and soon we were filing through the security line, turning off our cell phones, and placing them in the offered bin for our school.

After a few minutes of waiting backstage, we walked on stage, sitting down behind our table. Once started, the triathlon was a blur of answering questions, I surprised myself by correctly answering several. We were doing well this far into the competition, but it was when we entered the sudden death round I got nervous.

The question was asked.

The buzzer blared.


"It's zero." MJ shrugged, shaking her head as if everyone should know.

"That is correct!"

Everyone exploded, cheering and yelling. I hugged MJ, who surprised me by hugging me back, and we continued cheering. Flash was being an attention hog as usual, taking the trophy from MJ, when the announcer tried to hand it to her.

In celebration of our victory, and after congratulating the other team, we decided to head over to the Washington monument.

"Mr Harrington? Can I be the one to tell Peter he's expelled? Flash asked, earning the finger from Ned.

"Ned, right?" I asked. I was pretty sure I had the name correct, but I wanted to be sure.

"Yeah. That's me. Ned Leeds." Ned answered.

"Sorry we haven't talked much. You seem nice." I said, in an attempt to start a conversation.

"Thanks. You too." Ned replied, and there was a pause.

"So.... You like Star Wars?" I said, offering up a conversation starter.

"Do you!?" I nodded, and Ned began ranting about how he thought the original trilogy was better, but was interrupted when MJ, who was walking next to us, said she had never seen Star Wars.

"That's crazy! Seriously, you should watch! Hey, maybe we can watch together sometime? Ok, well lemme tell you what it's about" Ned rambled, going into great detail about the films yet somehow managing to leave the entire plot a mystery.

"You coming?" Mr Harrington asked MJ and I, but after MJ pointed out the Washington monument was built by slaves, and with that went off to read.

"I'm gonna wait out here with MJ." I nodded, sitting down on a shady bench next to MJ.

We had only been sitting there for only a few minutes when a very attractive blonde boy, who looked around our age, walked over.

"Hi, sorry to bother you," he began with a dazzling smile, and I blinked wide eyed. "Have you seen my friend around? She's a little shorter than you, with dark hair?"

Right as he was saying this, reaching a hand up to comb through his mop of curly hair, small pieces of stone started to fall down over the edge of the monument.

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