Five | She's Back

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I had been sitting with my back to the door staring at my phone's lock screen for a couple minutes now. It was a picture of Felicia smiling, one hand tucking a strand of silver hair behind her ear, blue eyes shining. I stood, setting my phone down on the kitchenette's gray marble counter. 

Walking into my room, I picked up a medium sized brown leather journal and opened it, checking for anything else written inside. I found nothing, and tossed the book onto my desk, making my way over, I sat down scooting the rolling desk chair forward. I pulled out a pencil, sharpening it with a small orange pencil sharpener before setting to work. I filled about two and a half pages with conspiracy theories on how Alan Guiles wanted my dad dead when I remembered the journal Felicia had confiscated a few years back. My old rage refuelled, I stood, marching into Felicia's room to kneel by her open closet and search its contents. Gently moving things aside, I finally found the journal on top of Felicia's, and I picked both up, standing and walking back into my room to set my journal on my desk. 

Returning to Felicia's room, I started to replace everything when something caught my eye. It was a fur cuff belonging to the Black Cat costume. I picked it up, pulling out the costume from the depths of my sisters closet.

As I walked to the bathroom, I picked up the Black Cat costume. Closing the door behind me I pulled my shirt over my head and stepped out of my shorts, leaving me in just my bra and underwear. I pulled the suit on, and put on the mask that went with it. I opened the door, and walked back into Felicia's room. I picked up the black leather diary she had dedicated to the Black Cat, and her persona, gently tracing a hand over the cover. I opened the journal and started to read as I walked out. Most of it was happy memories, or about robberies she committed, but a good portion was talking about Spider-Man and trying to figure out who he really was.

I set Felicia's journal down, and pulled out a lipstick tube with a very dark red on the top and applied it. I clicked the silver belt into place where it hung loose around my hips, and attached a few silver knick knacks to notches on the belt. When I picked up the journal again, I flipped to the back for curiosity's sake. What I saw was what looked to me like an equation of some sort. I kept reading, my eyes widening with every word I read.

In the case that I reach an untimely end, I will transfer my powers to Gwen. She knows what they are and how they work, if the equation above becomes my last words, so be it. I closed the journal, and moved the couch before I knelt down, pulling up a loose floorboard, and hiding the journal under it. I pushed the couch back into place, and stood, brushing myself off.

That explained the mumbled words, and the small shock that happened when I was in the hospital with Kitty. I thought.  It made no sense, and yet here I was, the new Black Cat.

Another pang of sadness. Walking into my room, and opening the window, I stepped out before closing it behind me. I leapt up to the roof with surprising agility, and stood on the edge looking around. I turned to look at the building next to the one that housed my apartment, and tried to judge the distance. I rolled my shoulders back and ran at the edge jumping over the gap with ease.

"Nice landing. I'd give it an 8/10." Someone said from behind me.

My face lit up as I turned. "Hello Webs." I smiled. "So nice to see you!"

"Thanks. Good to see you haven't robbed anyone." He remarked.

"Who says I haven't." I teased. Wrapping my hand around his wrist, and deftly removing one of his web shooters. I placed it around my own wrist, and smiled.

"Did you?" He asked, sounding worried.

"Course not!" I lied. My grin broadened, as he revealed he hadn't noticed "Well it was lovely seeing you, I'll be off then. Oh, here's your web shooter back!" I smiled, removing the device from my wrist and tossing it to him. I hadn't had much of a goal by doing that but to test my thieving abilities. I pulled out a black cord with a silver cat's claw at the end, and used it to swing off, almost like Spider-Man, who I left behind on a rooftop in Queens. By the time I reached downtown, Midtown Tech was surely out by now. I passed the school, looking for somewhere else to test my skills, spotting a gala a few blocks ahead. Landing on the rooftop easily and undetected I tied the cord back to my belt, and peered down at the gala inside. As far as I could see it was an exhibition of fine necklaces that hadn't yet started. I flicked my fingers out, and claws extended from the glove tips. I drew a circle in the glass with a finger, and kicked it in. I reached through the hole, catching the circle of glass, and setting it on the roof. I hooked the silver end of the black cord to the roof ledge, and dropped down, spinning head over heels like an aerial silk artist would, and stopping just above the grid of alarums on the floor.

"How about a power outage, in three, two, one!" I muttered, having heard Felicia mention using it successfully once, and the security grid flickered, then went out. I dropped to the floor and walked across the room to the display case. I drew a small circle in the glass, poking it through onto the velvet pillow inside, and removed the diamond necklace and other assorted jewellery, stowing them in my belt. I sealed the pockets, before walking back over to the cords, and climbing back up. I unhooked said cord and tied them to my belt before I left, gently replacing the glass circle and sealing it with a tube of lipstick that melded the glass back together almost seamlessly. Upon getting back to my apartment it was Nightfall, and as I stepped into my room through my window after muttering "butterfingers", causing a man walking by to drop his keys and bend down to get them.

I grinned, closing my window behind me, and locked it. I walked out of my bedroom smiling, I had successfully completed my first robbery. As I stared down at the necklace, my smile melted into a frown. My first robbery had been the one my father had been arrested for, and now I needed a place to sell all the jewellery without drawing attention. I sighed, deciding to forget about that for now, resolving to let myself have this victory, if only a small one at that.

I walked into the living room and shoved aside the couch, pulling up the floorboards, stashing my new jewellery with Felicia's journal in  one of Felicia's old hiding spots. I pulled off the costume and put it under my bed before I went into the bathroom to take a shower . And as I turned the shower on, a fluffy towel in hand, I heard a police siren wail as it sped past.


When I walked into the kitchen, Spider-Suit safely stored in the bottom of my backpack, the first thing I heard was the news.

"Breaking News, at around Nine O'clock this very evening, a robbery occurred at the Browbern Jewellery show, minutes before it opened. Local Authorities are stumped as to who could have committed this crime, which reportedly occurred in a one minute power outage." The News casters voice droned on as she changed subjects, promising an update on the crime.

"May? I'm home!" I yelled.

"Peter! Oh thank goodness, you know if you ever see anything like this-" May began, pulling me into a hug.

"Run the opposite direction. I know May." I reassured her, smiling, but hating the lie that escaped my lips.

"Good! I'll be in the kitchen if you need me!" She smiled, before walking back into the kitchen.

"I'll be in my room!" I yelled as I walked into my bedroom. I dropped my backpack and sat down. I picked up a pen and started twirling it in my fingers, mulling over what topic to use for my English paper. I spun my chair around looking up at the ceiling, waiting for an idea to come to me for a few minutes, before I stood, setting my pen down, and opening my window. I climbed out onto the fire escape, and sat down on the railing. I stared at the darkening sky, thinking about the robbery. I knew it had to be Cat, but where would she have hidden the jewellery she stole. As I sat on the railing thinking, I heard the unmistakable sound of a window opening, and someone stepping out onto the fire escape attached to the column of windows next to mine.

"Oh, Hey Parker." Gwen acknowledged.

"Hi Gwen." I smiled, turning my head.

"Hey Peter?" May asked, sticking her head out my window. "Oh hello! You must be Gwen! Peter told me about you! I'm very sorry about your sister by the way..." She gave Gwen another smile before turning back to me. "Dinners ready whenever." She patted my shoulder, closing the window. I was just about to say something when May popped her head back out the window addressing Gwen again. "Feel free to join us any time you like!"

Gwen laughed a little, smiling genuinely, one of the first times I had seen her do so. "I will." She promised, and May retreated back into the apartment.

"Uh, Sorry about May..." I grimaced, rubbing the back of my neck.

"It's fine."

"Well, it was great seeing you!" I smiled.

"You too Parker." She said, giving me the faintest of smiles.

"Yeah.." I mumbled awkwardly, opening my window, and stepping back inside. 

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