Eighteen | Rematch

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"How did you know where that was gonna be?" MJ asked, shouting over the panicked screaming as she stood from the ground. Peter had pushed everyone out of the way resulting in Ned stumbling and MJ falling to the ground - thankfully her costume had protected her.

"That building was shaking the most, come on! We need to go!" Peter yelled, as the Green Goblin appeared.

"I'm gonna see if I can get help!! You guys get to safety!"

"Wait!" MJ hollered, but I simply handed her my candy bag and helmet.

"Please don't lose these!" I said, turning and running off. I found the nearest empty alleyway and made my quick change, setting my costume gently on an AC unit on the roof of a nearby building. I waited a few seconds to make sure the Goblin's back was turned before throwing one of the chords on my belt at a nearby lamppost, and using it to launch myself at him.

I used the force of the swing to kick the man into the building next to him, and he turned, his mask smiling crazily. Apparently after our last fight, he'd made some upgrades to his glider.

"Ah yes! The little friend, I'm delighted to see you!" he exclaimed, and I twisted out of the way of a bomb thrown my way.

"Well in that case, say hello to my little friend!" I said, using a telephone pole to jump at the Green Goblin and punch him across the face. I was holding my own thus far, but I still hoped Peter would get there soon. Unfortunately for me, while I was hoping Peter would show, I had distracted myself long enough for the Goblin to slam a larger version of one of his bombs into my chest, sending me flying across the street. I picked up the bomb, and grimaced, it was heavy, and most likely about to go off.

It was then that Peter made his appearance, swinging in heroically to help fight the Green Goblin.

Except, Peter wasn't alone. Swinging alongside him was another superhero.

In a suit like Peter's.

Swinging on webs like Peter.

There was another person like Peter.

"Another one?!" Green Goblin screeched, and lobbed a normal sized bomb at them.

"Bites the dust!" the person yelled, and sent the bomb back at the Goblin.

"Hey Cat, you okay?" Peter asked, swinging over to land beside me, and I nodded, standing up from where I had landed.

"Who? How? What? Peter what?!" I exclaimed, and even with the mask I could tell Peter looked sheepish. With a flip, the other hero landed next to Peter, having webbed the Goblin to the side of a building.

"The who: Me; The Weaver! The how: one little spider! The what: I am here to help out!!" the other Spider-Person announced, and under other circumstances I would have laughed.

Though I wanted to ask more questions, I knew now wasn't the time. "You" I started, pointing to Peter, he seemed to know this person. "Have some explaining to do. You too." I said, pointing to the newcomer who nodded.

With a snarl, the Green Goblin tore the webs away and threw another bomb at us. Peter webbed it up, and it exploded harmlessly.

"You guys take care of him! I'll make sure everyone gets to safety!" I yelled, running back across the street to where Green Goblin floated. I ran under the glider holding him in the air and leaped through a hole in the building behind him.

"Is anybody in here?!" I yelled, and after a few seconds with no reply, began looking around. In the first apartment I found only a very agitated pair of Cats hunkered down next to their carriers. I herded the cats into their carriers and swung back out of the building.

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