Twenty | Feelings?

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It had been two days since the last battle with the Green Goblin, and after the meeting, when I got home, I found out the story of what happened had been trending on the internet for a while; the Black Cat electrocuting herself to get to the Green Goblin had generated a lot of buzz. There was already a GoFundMe for the people who lost their homes in the battle and I had donated several hundred dollars, most of which came from the necklaces I'd stolen. The big football final was coming up and Midtown had sent a video of Betty and Jason asking Spider-Man and the Black Cat to show up for the game to the local news.

After the meeting, when I got home, I found out the story of what happened had been trending on the internet for a while; the Black Cat electrocuting herself to get to the Green Goblin had generated a lot of buzz. There was already a GoFundMe for the people who lost their homes in the battle and I had donated several hundred dollars, most of which came from the necklaces I'd stolen. The big football final was coming up and Midtown had sent a video of Betty and Jason asking Spider-Man and the Black Cat to show up for the game to the local news.

I had been quite honoured to receive a request, and Peter and I had a long conversation about whether we should go or not. We ended up deciding we should, and Peter sent in a letter to the news stating we'd show up. The game was in eleven days, over a week away, but it was the playoff game, and MSST's football team had been practicing for some time to win it.

Tuesday - yesterday - had been my recovery day, and I did all my work from home. I had found out by means of local news that miraculously, the Black Cat had not caused a blackout by electrocuting herself.

I had also miraculously not seriously harmed myself by pulling that stunt, and my recovery day was to ensure that I didn't overexert myself. My costume hadn't sustained any damage, as I found out when suiting up around nine o'clock on Wednesday night.

School had been particularly boring that day, MJ was out sick, and I had been bored through most of the class with Peter busy taking notes.

I met Peter at our usual meeting place, a few blocks away from Delmar's on top of a building across from an old water tower. We got there at around the same time, and were both met with a surprise when we found none other than the Green Goblin waiting for us.

When he spotted us coming, he stepped onto his glider which lifted him up off the roof. Peter and I landed, stepping back into our fighting stances and I rolled my neck, almost surprised to hear it crack.

"Ah! Spider-Man and the Black Cat! How lovely to see you." he said, holding up his hands with what I assume was meant to be a disarming smile. "Especially you, my little friend, that stunt you pulled was rather shocking!" he laughed a little at his own joke.

"What do you want?" Peter asked, and the suit's eyes narrowed.

"I come with a warning. You've both come a little too close to the truth." the Goblin said calmly, arms folded behind his back, and Peter tilted his head, obviously confused. "So I strongly advise you to stop digging. Or don't you remember what happened to Felicia Hardy, she was always supposed to die, but now her dear little sister is in for it." the Goblin said, and it was then I finally noticed the blinking orange pumpkin bombs.

Before Peter or I had time to react, the Green Goblin pulled out a remote detonator, and blew the bombs. The roof below us collapsed, dropping us down onto the next floor; when I looked back up, the Green Goblin was gone.

"We might want to choose a new meeting place..." Peter groaned, rolling over and standing up.

"What did he mean about Felicia?" I asked, springing to my feet, something that was proven to be a horrible idea immediately as I nearly collapsed. "Gah! He mentioned something about Felicia's sister incurring Kingpin's wrath..." I said, trailing off, and Peter helped me stand. My ribs ached, and I theorised I had bruised them.

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