Twenty Eight | Midtown Tigers vs Manhattan High Falcons

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I didn't eat anything on the day of the game.

I was absolutely sure I would regurgitate anything I ate, and I didn't want to take that chance.

Peter and I met up before school started to make one last ditch effort at figuring out what exactly was going to happen at the football game.

We knew he was going to attack, but when, and how was the mystery, and it was what we needed to know the most.

Eventually we got too close to missing school, which led to a short debate with Peter about  the pros and cons of skipping school.

He won, and we hurried to school, warning Ned, Aura and Harry.

I could tell something was a little off with Peter, but when I tried to ask him about it, he brushed it off and we continued strategising.

I couldn't find Peter during lunch that day, and instead of eating, I spent the time drowning in my own anxieties.

Ned was there, MJ was there, Harry was there, but Peter and Aura weren't.

MJ was telling me about the new self defence classes she was taking after being followed home - a fact I pretended not to know about - when Peter walked in.

He and Aura were talking, and neither of them looked happy.

My stomach dropped, straight down into my shoes, and MJ stopped telling her story.

"Hey, are you okay?" she asked, and I barely tore my gaze away from Peter.

"Yeah," I croaked, and cleared my throat. "It's just that, you know this, I said some extremely rude things to Peter, and I- I was stressed and- I didn't mean it but I think he thinks I mean it and I-"

I was talking myself into a spiral, and MJ could tell, because she put her hand on my arm, jolting me out of my internal panic.

"You've been through a lot recently, and you snapped. I looked it up during P.E, and it's considered a trauma response." MJ shrugged, and I smiled.

"Thanks MJ, I just need to find a time to tell Peter that." I lamented, and MJ was silent for a moment.

"Maybe tonight? At the game. You could talk to him then." MJ suggested, and I frowned.

"Peter and I won't be there." I said, and the lunch bell rang, cutting our conversation short.

The rest of the day went by too quickly, and soon school was over. Aura had talked MJ into coming over to get ready for the game, and Peter wasn't talking to me.

Harry caught up to me while I was waiting for the train. I had tried to talk to Peter before he left but he caught the train right as it was leaving.

Peter we need to talk

please give me a chance to apologise properly

Today 2:50

Read 2:50

I deserved this.

Harry's hand on my shoulder startled me.

"Hey, Gwen, are you alright?"

I almost stepped out onto the tracks in my startlement and haste to turn.

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