Thirty | The Days Between

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He kissed me back.

Harry Osborn kissed me back.

It was awkward at first, this being my first kiss and all, but as first kisses go, it was pretty great. It was probably because Harry most definitely had more experience, and when we broke apart I was grinning.

Leaning my forehead against his I laughed.

"Was my kissing that bad?" Harry teased, and I giggled.

Still sopping wet and sitting halfway in Harry's lap with a tear stained face, I giggled.

"No it was good, it's just, well I honestly didn't expect this to be how I had my first kiss...." I admitted, and it was Harry's turn to laugh.

"We should get going," Harry said, and I struggled to stand, bouncing on my knees a little. They were already sore, and I doubted I'd be able to walk for too long.

"You're right," I said, and started to put my mask back on.

"Wait don't, I'll take the mask, and..." Harry paused to turn in a small circle and shrug his jacket off. "Here, take my jacket, I'll come up with a story." Harry said, draping the jacket over my shoulders.

Pulling my arms into the jacket sleeves, I zipped it up, handing Harry my mask as I did so.

"Alright, let's go before I collapse," I joked, and Harry glanced at me worriedly. "I'm fine," suddenly realising I hadn't checked in on him, I stopped. "Hey, how's your head? I know you got hit pretty hard, you were kinda out of it..." I said, and Harry gently massages the back of his head.

"Yeah, I'm alright I guess," he said, walking up the stairs to whatever path he'd taken to get down here.

"'I guess'? Harry!" I admonished, grabbing his hand to stop him from going further.

"Is Gwen Hardy worried about me?" Harry asked teasingly, and I walked up to him.

"Of course!! Why wouldn't I be?! You got hit in the head by a psycho in a green mask!! Let me look at your head." I admonished, standing on tiptoe to examine Harry's head.

"The EMT already did that babe, I promise I'm fine." Harry assured me, but I didn't hear. My brain had stopped processing after he said 'Babe'.

"Babe?" I asked, and Harry froze.

"Yeah, is that cool with you? Pet names in general I mean, other than babe" he asked, and I nodded.

"There's other pet names?" I asked, and Harry laughed. "Like what?"

"We should save this conversation for later," Harry suggested, and I nodded.

As we walked up the steps we fell into a comfortable silence. About halfway up, I could feel my legs starting to burn; why were there so many stairs?

Tired as I may be, I felt elated.

I, Gwendoline Hardy, had just kissed Harry Osborn. I don't think I'd realised that I'd had a crush on him until that moment.

Another thought suddenly occurred to me, only slightly related to the first. Thanksgiving was a week and a half away, and I had no plans.

Frowning, I let myself get lost in the train of thought, and tripped up the stairs, nearly slamming my chin into the ground.

I regained my balance, promising myself not to get distracted again.

I did. At least four more times, and Harry made several jokes about needing to carry me before we reached the ambulances parked by the bridge.

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