Six | Mother

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About ten minutes after Peter went inside, my stomach started rumbling, so I stepped inside, closing the window behind me.

My stomach began to rumble, so I grabbed my keys, phone, and money enough to buy a sandwich from Delmar's. I ordered my usual, a number five with pickles, which, according to Delmar, also happened to be what Peter ordered.

"Hey Mr Delmar!" I said, waving as I entered the deli.

"Hey Gwen! The usual?" he asked, and when I nodded he turned to the guy behind the counter, whose name no one would tell me. "Lo habitual para Gwen, el número cinco con encurteidos."

"¿Lo hago plano como con Parkers?" the man asked, and Mr Delmar shook his head.

"No." he replied, shaking his head. "I heard what happened. I'm really sorry to hear about your sister..." 

"Yeah, I still have to plan the funeral, but when I do, you're welcome to attend. I'll call and tell you when." I offered, and Mr Delmar smiled sadly.

"Course. You and your sister were like family." Mr Delmar said, handing me a plastic bag with my sandwich in it.

Handing Mr Delmar a five, I waved goodbye and headed back to my apartment. I passed an old lady with a walker venturing across the lobby, she was going quite fast for a woman with a walker which was quite impressive. Well, at least to me it was.

I made it upstairs, riding up in the same elevator as the old lady with the walker, to walk off down the hall behind her. She knocked on the door to the Ramos's apartment, and I paused, watching as Elida welcomed her with open arms. Once the door was shut I pulled out my key getting ready to unlock my apartment to find the door wide open. I could smell the scent of french perfume, hanging over everything, and some of my belongings seemed to have been moved around. Wishing I had the black cat suit on, I crept into the apartment, grabbing a steak knife from the kitchen. The perfume was vaguely familiar, and my instincts cautioned me against following it as it led me down the hall and towards the bathroom. I could hear running water (something I knew to be a diversion),  meaning whoever broke in was still here. kicking open the door to my fathers old bedroom I flung the knife and let it spin end over end towards the intruder.

The blonde woman spun, easily dodging the knife and catching the hilt midair. She straightened, setting the knife down on the bedside table with a sigh.

"Mother. I greeted cooly, though I could feel tears springing to my eyes.

"Gwen. I'm so sorry about what happened..." she murmured, pulling me into a hug.

"I'm so glad you're back Mama... I missed you." I cried, wrapping my arms around her.

After a couple minutes of hugging and crying, I closed and locked the front door before making my mom and I some tea; Chamomile for her, and Irish Breakfast for me.

From anyone else's point of view, my mother and I wouldn't seem to have the best relationship, but in reality my mother and I had an extremely close bond. 

"Tell me everything." she said, leaning forwards already interested.

I did. Telling her everything from the accident, to meeting Peter, and Liz's offer to join the decathlon team; she listened intently the entire time.

"Oh sweetie I'm so sorry you had to go through that alone..." My mother said, once I was finished explaining what she had missed thus far.

"I still have to plan the funeral..." I muttered, draining my tea mug and setting it to the side. "Not to mention I still have to sell the house..." I said, using an old code my parents had come up with.   I had heard my father use it to tell my mother he needed to sell something he'd stolen. I didn't want to have to say it. Felicia's death had made everything I'd been feeling about the trial that I'd been too young to properly process bubble back up.

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