Two | The Hospital

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The entire class turned to me, and I stood, throwing my bag over my shoulder. MJ gave me a confused look and I shrugged, walking out of the classroom not minutes after entering. As I walked down the hall to the principal's office, I got the uneasy feeling something was wrong. The hallways were quiet, and I navigated them easily, finding myself sitting in an uncomfortable chair outside the principal's office in no time. I tapped my foot nervously, crossing one leg over the other in an effect to stop my leg from bouncing up and down.

"Gwendoline, you can come in." Principal Morita stated, opening the door, and I jumped up, walking inside.

"What's going on, if you don't mind me asking." I queried, taking a seat once more, this time inside his office. I searched his face for any sort of hint, attempting to figure out what was going on.

"Well, I hate to have to be the one to tell you this... but your sister was in a car crash, and she's in ICU." I stopped listening when he said that. Pure panic flooded my veins, I had experienced loss before, but I had been prepared, I had known our father would die, as soon as the verdict was read. Felicia had been there for me my entire life, and I was in no way ready to lose her.

"Where is she?" I heard the principal asking if I was ok, and I simply shook my head, waiting for the answer to my question.

"Queens General Hospital." was his reply, and without waiting to hear what else he had to say I shot to my feet, grabbing my bag and running. Felicia. My Felicia, was in the hospital, not just in the hospital, in the ICU. I ran through the empty hallway, almost trampling the boy with curly brown hair I passed earlier, who now looked like he was just getting to school. That or back from skipping class. I skidded to a halt to avoid colliding with him, and he stared, blinking.

"Hey are you ok?" he asked, and I stared at him, tears welling in my eyes. He looked familiar but right now all I could think of was my sister. My blood was ice, and my mind was pain, I couldn't wait any longer. I had to get to Felicia before it was too late. I wiped the tears away with a swipe of my hand, and continued running. I didn't know how long it would take for me to get to the hospital, so I didn't leave any time for chatting.

"Are you ok? Hey! Wait up!" the boy yelled, but I ignored him, continuing to run as fast as I could, catching one last glimpse of him as I rounded the corner to the door. He was staring, hand still outstretched as he stared in worried confusion.

The evening air was cool as I barrelled down the steps, dashing across the road and leaping over the wall leading to the football field, skipping the flight of stairs. I hit the floor ten feet later, landing in a crouch, before springing into a run. I made it across the field faster than Flash Thompson ever could, bypassing the stairs to the train. On some stroke of luck, I hit nearly every green light, running across the street and dodging angry passers by. The few yellow or red lights I passed I simply ignored, running across the street anyways, eliciting loud honks from the people who nearly ran me over.

"Gwendoline Hardy here to see Felicia Hardy!" I practically shouted when I barrelled into the waiting room area at the front of the hospital around fifteen minutes later. I was breathing hard and my eyes were wild, so it was no wonder the nurse looked a little perturbed; not to mention the other occupants of the waiting area.

"This way, miss." the woman at the desk said, and I swiped my hand across my eyes again. The nurse led me to the elevators where she pressed the up button and we stepped in.

"What happened? Is she going to make it?" I asked, wiping my eyes again, close to breaking down.

"She was in a car crash, the other driver wasn't paying attention, and they hit her head on." the nurse said, as if I didn't know (although to be fair she didn't know I already did). "As for her condition... It's not looking good. We don't know if she'll make it." she finished, staring at me sadly.

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