Fourteen | Plane Crash

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It took me a bit but I finally made it there, landing on the beach outside the park. Felicia and I used to come here when we were younger but we hadn't in a while and I needed some calm in my life right now; the elevator ride just tonight had proved that.

Since the beach was long and empty I could practise my gymnastics without danger of sharp rocks. I took a step back before running a few paces and doing several backward handsprings, not quite sticking the landing. I had practised gymnastics for a while, before moving on to yoga, and then after our father died I quit.

Felicia practised yoga as well, and when I asked why she said it helped her keep in shape as well as on her toes. I smiled to myself at the joke, it never had gotten old, before drawing a yoga mat in the sand, and getting started. I had practised it every day up until the accident, and then I just stopped, much like when my dad died, but it felt good to stretch again. Once I was done, I sat down and laid back on the sand staring up at the sky. It was rare that you could see stars in New York with all the lights surrounding you.

I didn't much mind the sand getting in my hair, I'd wash it later.

One star however caught my eye, it was larger than the rest and getting closer, it also seemed to be changing colours. No calm for me, at least not tonight it seemed.

I sat up, eyes widening as I realised too late it was a plane, a flickering one, but a plane all the same. I leaped to my feet running toward the water, hoping I could get out of the plane's range in time. The plane crashed down, and something exploded, flinging me back, and I landed in the waves, ocean water gently lapping up over my shoulders.

I stood, and sloshed my way out of the ocean, heading for the wreck. I had just stepped over a piece of flaming metal when something else decided to explode, and fling me further into the wreck. Thankfully I landed in a clear patch of sand. Whether I did something, or I was just lucky, I didn't care.

I rolled my shoulders and stood, spinning in a complete circle. The beach was aflame, heat radiating from the burning metal surrounding me. I leaped through a wall of fire, glancing around again to see if anyone had survived. I heard someone shout and I could see a figure flying in the smoke. I heard another shout and I turned, running through debris toward the voice. I waved smoke out of my face and almost bumped into a wall of burning debris.

I looked around the wall to see a man in a wingsuit holding a boy in a blue and red suit up. He looked familiar, but I didn't catch a glimpse of him as the Vulture man dropped him and flew over to something else. Just behind him, on the other side, I could just barely make out another person, staring indecisively at the scene before me, and then with the flicker of flame, they were gone.

Glancing around trying to find a way to get to the boy. I lost sight of the two for a moment and when I did there was a small explosion and someone shouted. I finally managed to find my way around but it didn't lead where I expected. I glanced around before noticing a shape moving through the smoke. It turned out to be the boy in the blue and red suit, who collapsed a few yards away next to the Vulture man. I ran over, dropping to my knees by the boy.

Peter Parker lay in the sand, bruises on his face and rips in his Spider-Man costume.

"Oh no. No no no no no, Parker. wake up." I said, blood running cold. He wasn't moving and when I checked for a pulse I didn't find one. I placed my hand on his chest pumping three times before tilting his head back and giving him mouth to mouth. I repeated the process about two more times until he sat up, gasping for air, nearly smacking his head into mine in the process.

I breathed a sigh of relief, leaning back. I hadn't noticed I had been crying, so when I wiped a hand across my eyes I didn't expect there to be tears, just ocean spray, or sand.

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