Prologue - Red

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Akai. It's well known within the organization thanks to the fact that Gin hates Akai Shuichi. It also means red. Red like blood and red like roses.

"Rosé did you get the job done?" Rum's voice is loud and clear through the mic.

"Take a good guess Rum" Rosé grumbles. "Limoncello isn't as weak as you paint her to be you know"

But let's backtrack a bit so that we know who Rosé actually is. Hitsuki Niriyishi. Eldest daughter of the Niriyishi family and only daughter of the Niriyishi family. She's elegant and she handles things with grace. Her parents have been dead since she was 10 and she's been managing their company up until she sold it for 60 million yen when she turned 18. She invests brilliantly instead of managing a company now. She's a medical legend, having finished medical school in 4 years and she stays home most of the time. So then why was she Rosé?

Rosé- any light pink wine colored by only brief contact with red grape skins

Limoncello - lemon flavoured Italian liquor

Whiskey - a spirit distilled from malted grain

"I figured such" Rum nods and ends the call. Freedom for a bit.

Hitsuki Niriyishi was a fraud, so was Rosé and the others. Organization Rosé had three members. It had Rosé their diamond sniper, Whiskey their doctor from hell and Limoncello their top tier hacker. The only people that know about the branch were Boss, Rum, and Gin and that was enough. No one else needed to know their capabilities.

Akai means red and red means blood. Hitsuki was no Niriyishi, Hitsuki was raised an Akai and her blood was just as vicious as her family's. She was a deadly sniper and had unmatched photographic memory. Not to mention how harshly she was trained to become a martial arts master.

But Akai also meant Furuya Rei hating her guts and that was fine. She didn't blame the PSB officer for hating her for not calling Whiskey to bring Scotch back to life. Thence, Bourbon hated her just as much as he hated her brother. He just couldn't get his hands on her because of her position in the organization.

"I'm home" she closes the front door to her home and her brother smiles.

"Welcome back Hi-chan"

But being an Akai also meant family and her siblings. It meant her mother that bashed her for leaving the family name and infiltrating the Black Organization to find their father, and it also meant her brother's sharp mind that's saved her life millions of times. Oh, and it also meant her younger sister Masumi. Her sister that had looked up to her most of her life only to be let down in the end.

The organization was terrifying and had finally killed Akai Shuichi

It took a lot to kill an Akai, but how much exactly?

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