Chapter 7 - Sangiovese

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"Miss Champagne" Bourbon walks away from the agency and Champagne hums. "We've found her"

"Oh? ...You found Sherry?" Champagne smirks.

"It was only a brief moment before the computer got hacked but we found her." Bourbon reports. "She's heading on the Bell Tree Express."

"I see." Champagne twirls the knife in her fingers. "I trust the two of you, so I'll leave you two to it"

"I understand," Bourbon nods.

"Make sure she's eradicated from this world. Rats don't deserve to be free" She throws the knife so that it lands right on Sherry's picture. "if I find that she's still alive after this then don't expect to live a day past your flaw"

"Yes, Miss."


"Subaru-san?" Hitsuki opens the door to the Kudo residence and doesn't hear a reply. She doesn't have time to think before she forcibly passes out from a cloth on her mouth.


"Wow! It's amazing!" Ayumi fawns. "This is the first time Ayumi's seen a steam locomotive!"

"Me too!" Genta exclaims.

"It's really powerful!" Mitsuhiko cheers.

"As far as it goes for being an SL it looks just like one" Haibara deadpans. "I heard that it's powered by the newest Diesel engine on the inside."

"Ai-chan you still haven't gotten over the sickness yet?" Ayumi asks.

"A certain someone's germs are particularly obstinate you see..." Haibara glares at Conan.

Told you you should've rested at home" Conan glares back.

"Hey, brats! You should thank the owner of the Bell Tree Express the Suzuki Conglomerate for this alright?" Sonoko mentions.

"Yes, mam!" The kids answer.

"But of course unlike yours, our tickets are in the first-class car" she grins.

"Isn't that the one that Kaito Kid said he'd target next month?" Hitsuki speaks up from behind them.

"Hitsuki-nee-chan!" The kids gasp.

"Hi!" Hitsuki grins. "It's the red gem right?"

"Yes! So I thought I'd be one step ahead and plant a love letter there" Sonoko swoons.

"But what about Makoto-san?" Ran reminds Sonoko and she huffs.

"There's a whole 'nother stomach for loving Kid" Sonoko fawns.

"More than that sneak thief, I'm more interested in the deduction quiz on the train!" Sera grins and walks up.

"Sera-san?" Ran stutters.

"I'm a detective! It'd only be natural for me to be here" Sera smiles. "Where's your dad by the way?"

"Huh? He was here a minute ago" Ran heads off to search for her dad.

"Ah well, I'll be on car 7 if you guys want to have fun with me!" Hitsuki grins. "See you later Detective Boys!"



"Why would you call me in on something like this? You know I highly dislike moving by train" Hitsuki whines as she enters her room. "The kidnapping and knocking out still isn't forgiven you know"

"Yeah yeah," Subaru smiles.

"More importantly, are you sure it'll work?" Hitsuki side-eyes the woman on the seat in front of her. She only smirks.

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