Chapter 11 - Cabernet Sauvignon

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"Ah, Amuro-kun?" Hitsuki pauses in her walk and blinks at the blonde standing there.

"Oh Hitsuki-chan!" Amuro smiles and Hitsuki grins.

"What are you doing here? Did you get sick?"

"No no, actually, I was looking for a man," Amuro speaks and Hitsuki blinks. "Did you treat anyone with the name Kusuda Rikumichi?"

"Ah, the man that was here since he injured his neck right? I remember treating him. His neck was already healed even though he stayed here longer than welcomed" Hitsuki chuckles. "Was he your friend?"

"Yeah, but speaking of which, Hitsuki-chan why are you here?"

"Deduce it would you?" Hitsuki grins and Amuro stares her up and down before coming to a conclusion.

"You work here" Amuro speaks. "You're wearing a doctor's coat and you have a stethoscope around your neck. You're also holding a clipboard with a bunch of patients' names marked off. I'm assuming you've finished your shift?"

"Well deduced!" Hitsuki claps her hands and grins. "I finished with my patients, did you need to check anything else about him?"

"Ah, do you know if he's still around? I wanted to meet up with him sometime." Amuro asks.

"Ah, I'm not sure. I heard he was discharged but I wasn't sure about what happened to him afterwards." Hitsuki smiles and puts her stethoscope away. "If it helps you can ask Conan-kun about it. I heard he's been here before"

"Ah I see." Amuro nods and Hitsuki spots Conan.

"Conan-kun!" Hitsuki grins and Conan waves before pausing at the sight of Amuro.

"Oh? If it isn't Mouri-sensei! What are you doing here? Are you not feeling well?" Amuro asks.

"My wife is..." Mouri speaks and Conan clings onto Hitsuki's coat. What was he doing here? Was he investigating Kusuda Rukimichi's death?

"Why are you here?" Kogoro asks.

"I heard that a friend of mine was hospitalized here and came to visit him... But it seems like he left quite suddenly" Amuro notes. "I heard from the nurses that you came here before Conan-kun. Maybe you know him? A man named Kusuda Riukimichi...."

Who's that? I don't know him." Conan stumbles and Hitsuki hisses as hit response. Classic psychology trick.

"The truth is, I lent him some money and would like to get it back. Are you sure you don't know him?" Amuro asks.

"Mhm!" Conan nods.

"You're amazing..." Amuro starts and Conan tilts his head in confusion. "Excuse me, do you know a patient by the name of Kusuda Rikumichi?"

"Not sure, what kind of a person is he? How old?" the woman with glasses asks.

"Do you have a photo?" the other woman asks.

"Ah never mind." Amuro apologizes. "How about you Mouri-sensei? If I gave you a name out of nowhere and asked if you knew that person..."

"Well, I guess I would react just like the women just now" Mouri speaks.

"That's right. Most people don't have absolute confidence in their memory. So instead of saying no, they ask for more information on the person in question." Amuro leans down to face Conan and he sweats. "But you're amazing. You were sure that you didn't know the person based on their name alone."

Conan clings onto Hitsuki's coat and Hitsuki laughs. "He's still young. And besides, I was complaining about him to Conan-kun the other day. His memory is extraordinary you know?"

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