Chapter 2 - Grape Skins

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"Amazing!" the kids cheer as they stare at their bucket. "We caught over 20 fish!"

"Dinner will be at the professor's then!" Mitsuhiko cheers.

"Well, it's slightly worrying since the professor is cooking" Haibara notes.

"Well, that isn't an issue if I help cook" Hitsuki smiles and the children cheer.

"That's right! Hitsuki-nee-chan can cook!" Ayumi beams and Hitsuki laughs.

"But still you sure are something, Genta you caught black sea bream again" Conan stares at the fish in the bucket.

"You're an expert now, aren't you?" Ayumi smiles.

"Oh come on!" Genta mumbles. "I was trying to get an Eel but I missed it"

"Well, it's time to put your tools back. You kids should get ready to head back" Ejiri mentions

"Eh?" the kids whine.

"It seems like that ship is here to pick you guys up." 

"It is!" Ayumi glows.

"Professor!" the kids cheer.

"Thank you Ejiri-san" Conan and Hitsuki smile. "We've really troubled you"

"Not at all... after you and Agasa-san saved my life before" He smiles at Conan as Hitsuki turns to see the professor.

"We've got a big catch!" the kids wave. "Professor..?"

"That isn't the professor"

"That man lives next to the professor right?"

"Okiya Subaru-san a university student" Mitsuhiko mumbles.

"I wonder if something happened to the professor" Conan trails and Haibara hides behind him.

"Is something wrong Ai-chan?" Hitsuki crouches and Haibara mumbles.

"Your neighbor scares me" Haibara glares at the approaching male. Hitsuki muffles a laugh.

"eHH? The professor can't come?"

"Is that for real?" Genta whines.

"That's right. It seems that his automated ham and egg sandwich maker seems to have been faulty and he received plenty of complaints" Subaru notes.

"I mean I doubt his mechanical skills are that well" Hitsuki snickers.

"You guys can continue the conversation on board. If we don't hurry the sun will set!"

"Watch your step!" Subaru reminds the kids and they hop onto the boat one by one. 

"What is it? You've been acting weird since just now" Conan stares at Haibara and she hides behind him.

"I feel it that man, he reeks of the black organization" Haibara mumbles.

"y-you can even feel it now?" Conan stutters and Haibara shakes her head.

"No, but when I first met him..."

"Come on! You guys get on board too!" Ejiri reminds the kids and they head onto the boat.

"A-ah!" Haibara trips and Subaru catches her.

"There we go... that won't do" Subaru speaks. "watch where you're walking"

"y-yeah" Conan gets onto the boat and Subaru helps Hitsuki down.

Conan stares at the two. Could Hitsuki have known? No, she was just his next-door neighbor, there was no way she would catch on so quickly. Maybe she had a crush on her neighbor? No no, that would be preposterous Hitsuki's been tied up over her ex for years now.

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