Chapter 24 - Gamay

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It's not a mountain, it's a mansion. Hitsuki stares at the opening as she walks in. It blends in perfectly with the surrounding, and it's hard to believe that this was the mountain she visited in her free time so often. Whiskey digs up a clump of dirt and presses a code. The floor beneath the small cottage opens up to reveal a downstairs.

"Who engineered all of this?" Hitsuki raises a brow.

"One of the members that were rejected by our unit," Whiskey walks down the stairs as Hitsuki follows her down. "I had them design this for their entrance project and killed them after. We already had a weapon dealer thanks to you anyways. Not to mention that Moonshine is an engineer,"

"Who was it?"

"I think it was Baijiu," Whiskey sighs.

"Did Moonshine help?"

"No, she would've been killed off if she did." Whiskey opens the second gate and walks in.

The place is clean, it resembles one of those scientific labs except the rooms are all designed to accommodate the person living there. She visits Hiro's old place first. It looks just like their master bedroom back at home.

"Anyone else?" Hitsuki raises her brow suspiciously.

"Hiro was isolated from the rest because we knew he would be returning to your place soon," Whiskey opens another door and Hitsuki feels in awe. It was designed to look just like the interior of a regular house. Whiskey walks down the stairs to ring click a combination of numbers on a keypad. A specific combination of keys play through the hideout and everyone gathers around.

"...Hitsuki... omg is that Hiro's wife???" a familiar voice pipes up.

"Wait Hiro's wife? They got married?" Hitsuki takes a look at the two males and two others join them.

"You guys are Hiro's police academy friends!" Hitsuki gasps. "What are you four doing here?"

"Uh I'll be honest, one second I was being blown to bits, and next thing I knew I was alive and breathing," Matsuda snickers.

"You're Limoncello's boyfriend." Hitsuki squints. "YOU'RE THE RISING ACTOR!"


"I didn't paint him as an actor haha," Hagiwara laughs. "What brings you here?"

"With all due respect, none of you guys are supposed to be alive," Hitsuki notes. "Did Whiskey tell you anything about herself?"

"Uh, she's a doctor." Matsuda speaks.

"She's also a really talented one." Hagiwara smiles.

"Something along the lines of she possesses immortality at her fingertips," Natalie mumbles.

"..." Hitsuki blinks incredulously and sighs. "Alright who else is there?"

"You're going to have to head to building two," Whiskey points at another door, and Hitsuki sighs.

"Why are you separating them?"

"These four are allowed to wander around outside. Hiro was the first one let out. You're going to need to disguise anyone else."

"I'll send a delivery to your estate," Hitsuki makes a mental reminder as she follows Whiskey to the next door.

"Good morning Akemi!"

"Good morning Whiskey-chan!"

Hitsuki freezes. "Akemi-chan? Sister-in-law??"

"I never married your brother Hitsuki-chan," Akemi laughs to herself. "Nice seeing you again,"

"Oh thank god," Hitsuki let out a breath of relief. "I thought the organization actually got you,"

"Ah... do you happen to know anything about my sister?"

"Shiho?" Hitsuki smiles sadly. "I haven't heard anything about her since her disappearance..."


"I'm heading out after this," Hitsuki mumbles under her breath and Haibara raises a brow. "I can't tell you what, but I want to know that if I'm allowed to reveal to your family that you're still alive,"

"All of my family is dead," Haibara deadpans.

"I'm going to confirm it today. I got information that Akemi's dead body wasn't disposed of properly," Hitsuki whispers. "I want to double-check with-"

"There's no way that's possible," Haibara glares. "Thanks for the macarons, and see you later,"

The door slams in Hitsuki's face.


"Ah... If you get any information on her let me know alright?" Akemi smiles sadly.

"Of course," Hitsuki smiles. Whiskey didn't know either, playing the middle ground was especially hard when it came to this. Both sisters were alive, alive, and well for that matter.

"Now you know," Whiskey shrugs.

"There's something else here, I can feel it." Hitsuki feels the wall and Whiskey doesn't make a move to stop her. Her hand bumps into a small crack and Hitsuki presses down. A gate opens.

It's an elevator. Hitsuki gets in, telling herself that it was fine if she suddenly disappeared. She had let Hiro know in advance that if she died, it was because of Whiskey. She also told him to commit arson but that's a story for another time. Whiskey steps into the elevator with Hitsuki and presses a button. Two buttons sit on the elevator pad and Hitsuki makes a mental note about it. The two end up back at the mansion.

"So it's a loop huh?" Hitsuki knocks on the wall.

"Yes," Whiskey nods. "I expect this to be kept a secret from Champagne and the others,"

"Of course, that goes without saying," Hitsuki nods. "This is my mountain right?"

"Yes, sorry for not informing you about it,"

"I wouldn't have suspected a thing if Hiro didn't tell me about the whole issue," Hitsuki nods, she sits into her car and starts the engine. "I'll see you in a couple of days. I heard Champagne is assigning a mission to us again."

"I have a feeling I know which one," Whiskey pulls out a cigarette. "See you,"

"Bye," Hitsuki drives off, thinking about the whole situation made her slightly sick. It was incredible that Whiskey was able to house so many people while somehow not being found out. Hitsuki thinks over the building, and she can't help but think that elevator could lead to something else, maybe a downstairs of some sort. The second button wasn't pressed, and Hitsuki wanted to get in.

She drives home with that on her mind, also reminding herself to send disguises to the mountain.


"Rosé I need your help," Bourbon's voice rings on the line.

"Why not Champagne?"

"You're more fit for this case,"

"Alright, I'm listening," Rosé files her nails.

"I received information that..."


Fun facts about this chapter:

Whiskey is hiding another floor in the base
Haibara is going through the 7 stages of grief
Another filler chapter, so far Gosho hasn't released any chapters that screamed at me
Matsuda is Matsuda :,)
Hitsuki so far knows the most information about both sides

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