Chapter 3 - Fermentation

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"Disguises?" Champagne laughs. "Shall I join you as a dead person as well?"

"No no," Bourbon smiles. "Vermouth is helping me disguise right now."

"Hi Vermouth" Champagne sings. "Has boss agreed to this?"

"Of course" Vermouth's voice is quiet and Champagne smiles.

"Well then, I hope you enjoy sniffing out any loose threads from the FBI" Champagne sighs. "I'll have Rosé send you information that Limoncello has collected on Sherry. Good luck with sniffing for loose threads"

"Thank you for your blessings Miss Champagne"


"Huh, I'm out of Bourbon" Hitsuki mumbles. "Well, I guess I'll ask if my bourbon addicted neighbor wants me to grab any from the store too. Speaking of which, I still haven't gotten his number"

Hitsuki gets changed into something light and rushes downstairs. It was a shame that her friends couldn't live with her. It would've spiced her life up.

Ding dong

"Ah, Hitsuki-chan" Subaru smiles as he opens the door. "What brings you here?"

"I was going to head to the liquor store!" Hitsuki smiles. "I heard you like drinking bourbon so I was curious if you wanted any?"

"Ah, if that's the case then I'd like one bottle please" Subaru smiles.

"Alright!" Hitsuki heads into her car and checks her wallet. Ah, it's empty for once? She wondered how that was possible.

"Ah, you can't take my card?" Hitsuki sighs. "Please hold on to these while I go grab cash from the bank next door then"

"Alright miss"

Hitsuki rushes to the bank to withdraw money. She spots a familiar face among the crowd. "Ah, Jodie-sensei?"

"Oh, Hitsuki-chan" Jodie smiles. Before the two can continue, a gunshot rings through the bank.


"I just wanted some cash for a drink" Hitsuki grumbles and sits down cross-legged. She thanked god out there for having her wear her platforms. She slips the outside cover off and pulls out a Kolibri pistol. Well, it was too small and the chances of actually hitting someone were slim since there were so many people. She spots a familiar head behind the wall and smirks. I'll leave that up to you then Tantei-Kun.

'I really need a better firearm to hide though' Hitsuki thinks.

"Everyone give us your phones!" the robbers scream and Hitsuki blinks. She tosses her phone and activates the walkie talkie in her chest. She sits on the left side of a familiar man. Akai Shuichi? No, he was dead, this must've been Bourbon in disguise. Jodie stares at him wide-eyed and I look away. I didn't know Akai Shuichi, I only knew Jodie and no one else from the FBI.

"You too! Hurry up!" the man points the gun at the man beside me and I flinch. "BASTARD, do you want to be killed?!"

"Ah, he lost his voice in an accident! You see his burn scars? That's the proof!" Jodie defends him and I smirk. That's right kitty, take the bait. "Even if he had the phone he wouldn't be able to do anything!"

The robbers have the other people tie us up and Jodie asks to go to the bathroom. Hitsuki smirks and sits back. Sure enough, a couple minutes later, Conan and the kids saved everyone. Well, almost.

"When the riot squad enters, these three people, the man tied up in the hall and the man tied up in the restroom will..."

"What unconscious man?" the man from the bathroom holds Conan by the neck and the kids panic.

"Hey, you kids! If you don't want me to break his neck then bring me the gun at the counter!" he yells at the kids and Hitsuki breaks her restraints. She was not having Conan dead no thank you that's too much responsibility for her to bear. She watches him pull out the gun from Conan's pocket and she grabs a gun next to her and shoots. The man's gun goes flying from her bullet as he takes another shot to the shoulder. Another person fired? She stares at Bourbon and sighs, that would be dealt with later.

"Are you ok?" She rushes up to Conan and checks him for any bruises.

"I'm fine Hitsuki-nee-chan" Conan grins and Hitsuki sighs.

"Next time don't have a gun on you when there are bad guys around. Who knows what people are capable of today" Hitsuki sighs as the riot squad enters. She watches Bourbon leave her field of view. She'll leave that conversation for another time.

"AH, MY LIQUOR" Hitsuki realizes and sighs. "I guess I'll let Subaru know that the bank nearby was raided."

"Subaru-san?" Conan stares at Hitsuki.

"Were you out getting liquor too?" Jodie asks.

"Yeah, though I think I have to let my neighbor know that he won't be getting his Bourbon today" Hitsuki grumbles while checking her wallet. "AH! I have cash!" 

"Huh?" the FBI agents blink.

"Would you guys like for me to pay for your drinks too then? I swear my wallet's like Kaito Kid's magic tricks or something"

"Huh? Would that be ok?" James asks and Hitsuki grins.

"No problem! Ah but I have to rush back since the cashier still has my things" I rush back with the FBI agents. 

"Sorry, Miss do you still have my items?"

"Ah here!" the woman smiles and I hand her the cash. 

"What about you guys?" Hitsuki turns to stare at the agents. She pays for their bottles and heads home for the night.

"Ah, Subaru-san!" Hitsuki hands him his liquor and Subaru smiles.

"Thank you Hitsuki" 


"Bourbon" Rosé sings. "How lovely bumping into you today"

"Of course Rosé." Bourbon hums. "How was my aim?"

"Lovely" she hums. "You just keep improving"

"Thank you for your help today" Vermouth grins. 

"I'm not having your favorite problem child die on me" Rosé laughs softly.

"But there's something else right?" Vermouth smirks. "You wanted to protect those children"

"I mean, I live next door to the child. It would be troublesome for the professor man to blame me." Rosé dries out her hair.

"Do you?" Bourbon's voice is on the line again.

"Indeed. Has Champagne suggested you start finding Sherry with Mouri Kogoro?" I hear Vermouth pack her things on Bourbon's end.

"I'll be going now darling~" Vermouth sings and Rosé smiles.

"See you~" Rosé hums. "But Bourbon. Have you started the search for Sherry?"

"Of course. I plan on starting with someone well acquainted with Sleeping Kogoro" Bourbon smiles.

"I'll leave that in your hands then. Bourbon"

"Yes Rosé"


Fun facts about this chapter:

Vermouth, Champagne, and Rosé all speak English to each other occasionally
Rosé had money in her wallet, she was just interested in tagging along with the FBI agents
A Kolibri pistol can not kill a person. In fact, it feels like you get hit by a speck of dirt when you get hit by it. It's accuracy is also insanely low. Hitsuki only has it to scare people away.

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