Chapter 9 - Merlot

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"I'm hungry" Hitsuki stares at her empty fridge and cries. She had to go out and order something to eat. Hitsuki heads outside and walks off to a random cafe.

"Welcome to Café Poiro-" Azusa and Amuro pause to blink. What was she doing here?

"I was hungry," Hitsuki sighs and sits at the counter. "Are you guys closing soon?"

"If you're willing to take leftovers," Amuro snickers. 

"I mean as long as it's edible" Hitsuki grins and Azusa shakes her head.

"We can make something new for you!" Azusa smiles. 

"No no, it's fine!" Hitsuki waves her hands. "I'll take the leftovers"

"It's a shame then," Amuro hands her a plate of sandwiches and smiles. "I had just made these too"

Hitsuki pauses and smiles. "Thank you Tooru-kun!" 

Amuro smiles at her and she starts eating the sandwiches. Azusa and Amuro sweep the floor and clean the tables and Hitsuki helps with the dishes.

"Ah, Tai-chan's here!" Azusa smiles and rushes over to greet the cat. 

"Tai-chan?" Hitsuki wipes her hands off and walks outside. 

"Oh my Tai-chan, you're late today," Hitsuki opens the door and stares at the calico.

"Hm? There's something on his collar." Hitsuki plucks it off and reads the words. "C-o-r-p-s-e. Corpse?!"

Hitsuki pulls out her sunglasses and clicks the on button. The professor had been kind enough to make her a pair of spare tracking glasses since the kids got in trouble often. "They're moving pretty quickly... I'll probably need a car"

"Need a car for what?" Amuro opens the door to the cafe. "Ah also, Azusa-chan, Master's calling for you"

"A-ah got it!" Azusa rushes inside and Hitsuki speaks up.

"To follow another car" Her signal gets weaker and she curses. "The kids are in trouble again." 

"There's no 8 so it's probably a cool delivery truck." Amuro notes and Hitsuki stares at the receipt.

"Can I borrow a car or something? It's headed towards my place." Hitsuki walks a bit to keep the signal in her area. "I'll drive it back here and pick you up after your shift."

"It's fine actually" Amuro waves. He rushes back into the store and calls tells Azusa something before he rushes back. Hitsuki yelps as he drags her to his car.

"You can drive," Amuro hands her the car keys and she chuckles.

"Hold on tight then," Hitsuki hits the brakes and drives off to her place. Amuro holds on to his seat as Hitsuki races through the streets. Sure enough, a delivery truck is parked there in front of the Kudo residence. The kids are cornered by the men and Hitsuki slams the break.

"Excuse me! The road's rather narrow so I was wondering if you could give way?" Hitsuki smiles. "We wouldn't want to damage anything."

"It's the detective guy and Hitsuki-nee-chan!" the kids yell. "HELP!"

"What's this? What are you all doing in there?" Amuro asks. 

"Oh no, this is just- er-" one of the deliverymen stutter and the other smirks.

"So you're a friend of the kids huh?" the other one speaks. "Well since you've seen the kids, we have no choice. If you want the kids alive then you better step into the van right nGH-"

Hitsuki knocks the man out with her taser and sighs. "I mean we did say we didn't want to damage anything. Can't blame us for warning you." 

"Wanna have a test as well?" Amuro punches the air and the man shakes his head. 


"Ok, Conan-kun! You can call the police!" Amuro smiles. 

"A-ah alright" Conan stumbles over his words and Hitsuki hands Amuro a roll of tape. 

"But you two are amazing too!" The Genta grins and Hitsuki finishes taping up the man.

"Did you come here because you saw the receipt?" Mitsuhiko asks.

"Ah well I did, but Amuro-kun came here because I needed a car to travel faster" Hitsuki grins. "Even if I were to run, I wouldn't be able to run as fast."

"How about you come with us to have cake at the Professor's house then?" Ayumi invites.

"So this is the place of the famous Professor Agasa." Amuro mumbles. "Sorry, but I'll have to decline for today. I have lots to do."

"Thank you for trusting me with your car then!" Hitsuki hands him the car keys and he smiles. 

"Of course Hitsuki-chan" Amuro drives off and Hitsuki feels Subaru recline from the window. 

"Then will Hitsuki-nee-chan join us?" Ayumi asks and Hitsuki sighs.

"Sorry darling, I'm going to have to turn the offer down. I have something to do after this." Hitsuki waves goodbye and heads home. 


"The stars are sparkling today" Champagne notes. "Why is that you still pester me for any more information on Akai Shuichi, Bourbon?"

"Rikumichi Kusada." Bourbon pauses "Do you know who he is Champagne?" 

"The low ranking member of the organization who's dead. He was collecting information on Akai Shuichi in the hospital where Kir was." Champagne recalls. "But how is he relevant to all this?"

"If I manage to confirm that he killed himself with a bullet to the head, then-"

"Then you can confirm that the body was swapped in the fire? No thank you, Rosé confirmed the body was actually Akai along with Whiskey." Champagne laughs. "If you think those two would dare lie to me then you are mistaken. Whiskey hates Akai just as much as you do Bourbon."

Bourbon goes silent on the line and Champagne smirks. "Well if your investigation finds different ends from Rosé's be sure to let me know. After all, I've been dying to get that pest out of the organization."

"Yes Champagne." 


Fun facts about this chapter:

Rosé and Champagne do not get along at all
Hitsuki forgot to get her groceries ( '゚,_」゚)
Hitsuki carries a taser around at all times since she's been harassed more than once
Champagne thinks she has inflicted fear onto Rosé after torturing her
Hitsuki has a handful of gadgets from the professor but only uses them occasionally

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