Chapter 6 - Grenache

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"That's all you know?"

"Yeah" Hitsuki closes her bag and smiles.

"Alright, thank you for undergoing police questioning then" Hitsuki packs up her things and sighs. What a pain.

"Ah, Hitsuki-chan" Amuro stares at her as she smiles.

"Tooru-kun!" Hitsuki smiles. "Are you heading somewhere later?"

"Yes. Did you need something?"

"I was going to ask you on a date," Hitsuki sighs dramatically as heads downstairs with Amuro. The two leave the building and spot the kids.

"It's sad that Ai-chan and the professor couldn't come" they mumble.

"Ah a shame for me then" Hitsuki stares at Amuro. "I wanted to meet with the much-talked-about Professor Agasa. I heard from Mouri sensei that you all came here to be photographed for a pamphlet."

"Eh? Why are you two here?" Conan stares at the two.

"We were undergoing questioning!" Hitsuki smiles.

"I also had another purpose here..." Amuro mentions.

"Other purpose?" Conan asks.

"Please don't take it to heart... because that purpose is already gone" Amuro walks off and Hitsuki waves goodbye.

"Stop scaring the kids" Hitsuki grumbles.

"I wasn't" Amuro smiles.

"Whatever you say... I'll be off then" Hitsuki gets in her car and waves goodbye to Amuro.

"Ah, it's an old friend's death date today huh?" Hitsuki checks her phone and drives over to the cemetery. Hitsuki checks her trunk and pulls out a bouquet of forget me nots.

"You aren't forgotten, darling. I just hope you have it better than us down here" She sets the flowers on the grave and crouches there. "I hope you all are well up there"

Hitsuki gets up and drives home for the rest of the day. Ah, but what a pain that process was.

"Hey Whiskey?"

"Hm? If this about the forest you bought then the trees haven't died off yet" Whiskey laughs.

"How'd you know?" Hitsuki snickers. "Well, there's only one of my friends there right?"

"Mhm," Hitsuki hears clinking on Whiskey's side.

"Alright, I'll leave you be. Just tell Champagne that I'll be with no signal for a month or so"

"Roger that"


"I told you, I'm breaking up with you"

"We're literally engaged" Hitsuki grumbles. "You should've broken up with me before you proposed"

"No, it's. They've discovered me and my identity. If they find out that I have ties with you then they'll kill you as well"

"And? I don't fear death as long as it's with you" Hitsuki smiles as she hugs the male.


"Ah finally back in town!" Hitsuki grins as she unlocks the door to her house. Stretching quickly from driving, she starts pulling out ingredients.

"Hmm let's bake something for my neighbors" Hitsuki gets to work and shoves the cookies in the oven while she cleans the house. The oven dings as she finishes off the final room. She stares at the batch and wraps them quickly. Hitsuki finishes packing her cookies and slips them into a bag. First visit would be Subaru then?

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