Chapter 13 - Mourvèdre

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"A band! A band! Let's make a high school girl band with the three of us!" Sonoko squeals. Hitsuki washes the dishes from behind the counter and questions her hearing.

"Why do you suddenly want that?" Sera asks.

"The high school girls' band in yesterday's movie was pretty cool!"

"I see..." Ran blinks.

"And? What instrument will you play Sonoko-nee-chan?" Conan asks

"The drums obviously!" Sonoko exclaims. "The drummer girl in the band looked just like me... she was so cool!"

"Well, then I..."

"You've got long hair so you're the bass. The bass! The bass girl in their band was just like you!" Sonoko fawns.

"B-but I've never played a bass, you know?"

"You're good at piano, right? Ran-nee-chan?" Conan asks.

"Should I play the bass then? I know a bit from my brother's friend in the past..." Sera notes.

"Ok! Then you're the bass Sera-chan!" Sonoko agrees. "Will you play the keyboard, Ran?"

"Yeah, but... where will this band make its debut?" Ran asks.

"We'll perform at in the countdown performance contest, which will be held on the final day of the year right here in Beika city... and our grand performance will let us win!" Sonoko cheers.

"But, see... don't bands need a guitarist too?" Sera asks.

"True, but... there's no girl in the class who can be the guitarist..."

"Azusa-san could you please wipe that table?" Amuro asks.

"Ah yes!"

"THERE!!" Sonoko points at Azusa. "OUR GUITARIST!!"


"There was a girl in the high school girls band, who was named Azusa and also good at the guitar!"

"B-but I've never played the guitar... and I'm not even a high school girl to begin with..." Azusa reminds.

"But if you put on a teitan high school uniform no one will notice! You have a rather loli face, Azusa-san!"

"L-loli face? B-but it isn't easy to play the guitar..."

"If you practice a bit, you'll be ab;e to play it soon! In no time at all!" Sonoko exclaims.

"Try playing it then!" A male's voice cuts the conversation.


"I'll lend you my guitar... I've linked it with a score in my phone so you can make a sound at once see?"

Sonoko puts on the guitar and Hitsuki dries her hand from the dishes. She heads into the storage room to grab her guitar and hears Sonoko struggle.

"What! You can't play it huh?"

"You can't play it so don't brag! You high school girl."

"Two guitarists heading your way!" Hitsuki sings, holding up her guitar and phone. Amuro takes the guitar from Sonoko and the two start playing.

"And after all time, I'm still into you

I should be over all the butterflies

But I'm into you

And baby even on our worst nights

I'm into you

Let them wonder how we got this far, cuz I don't really need to wonder at all

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