Chapter 17 - Bourboulenc

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"Good afternoon!" Hitsuki sings as she wanders into the Mouri agency.

"Good afternoon Hitsuki-chan!" Ran smiles.

"I made a batch of biscottis earlier today" Hitsuki grins. "I thought I'd send some here since I remember one of you liked it last time."

"A-ah yes. Thank you!" Ran smiles.

"You guys are off right?"

"Yeah... a client"

"I see, well I'll leave this on the table? Good luck with the client!" Hitsuki reaches for the knob as Amuro walks in.

"Eh? You were just leaving?" Amuro asks. Hitsuki blinks at the said male. "Really... just when I'd finally brought you some sandwiches..."

"Sorry for troubling you!"

Hitsuki's phone vibrates and she excuses herself. "I'll see you soon!"

"Bye Hitsuki-chan!"

She clicks on the contact and grumbles. "Hello? Mizuki what is it you're about to tell me- NO! I'M NOT COVERING YOUR SHIFT AT A BUNNY CLUB!?"

"Please! Hitsuki it's the last day and I need to make a few more sales so that I can get a raise! I'll pay you or something!"

"Make that the millionaire cocktail you make and we have a deal," Hitsuki grumbles, this girl...

"Deal! I've already told my manager that a silver-haired, blue-eyed girl would be covering for me... you can have one of the girls help you open my locker. Thank you! I love you!" Mizuki hangs up and Hitsuki grumbles. Her phone rings and she heads to the address sent to her.

"W-wait!" Hitsuki feels her anger rising. 'Mizuki you're going to be dead the next time I see you'

She changes with the girls and is surprised at how thorough their explanation of how things worked there was.

"Ah is it... am I going to get harassed?" Hitsuki squints.

"Well... most of our customers are decent, and everyone who usually asked for Mizuki-chan were very friendly!"

"She basically lives off of their money... I'm joking, Mizuki-chan has more dignity than that"

"Haha..." Hitsuki laughs. 'no she doesn't'

The club opens and Hitsuki serves from table to table. She's surprised at how much attention she's caught and doesn't catch a break until someone familiar walks in.

"Hitsuki-chan?" the girl pauses in her steps. Oh why them-

"Hm?" Hitsuki turns her head around and struggles to keep a smile on her face. "Ah... what are you guys doing here?"


"A client. Hitsuki-chan I didn't know you worked here..." Amuro eyes her and Hitsuki sighs.

"I'm filling in for a friend. If you'll excuse me" She rushes off to finish serving her client. Her final client leaves and she sighs in relief.

"Hitsuki-chan! How about you come sit with us?" Ran calls Hitsuki over and she smiles. Amuro pulls up a seat for her next to him and she sighs.

"Thank you for saving me from those men"

"Were you getting harassed?"

"No, it was just I'm not the best at making a conversation." Hitsuki turns to see two men. "Ah my apologies, I'm Hitsuki Niyirishi! Was this the client that you were speaking of?"

"Yes yes... I'm Morooka Gunzo and this is my butler Fukamachi Atsufumi"

"I see, a pleasure to meet you Morooka-san!"

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